Saturday, August 31, 2019
Gay marriage speech Essay
Today the topic that is up for debate is gay marriage I will be arguing that gay marriage should be allowed in Australia. My name is Santika I hope that I will be able to show you why gay marriage should be allowed in Australia. I will now define what gay is the meaning of gay is when a person man or women like the same sex. I’ll define what marriage means the meaning of marriage is when two people commit their love in front of friends and family. They become one and if your religious confess their love to god. I will prove to you why gay marriage should be allowed by giving you reasons that will hopefully convince you. Last year the government had said that the gays could get married in Canberra over the weekend and so they did only to have their marriages annulled. 5 days later by the government which is wrong. Because there wasting valuable money on a trip that wouldn’t have been worth it. I’m going to show you statistics on how may people would care if gays could get legally married or not. 64% percent of people say yes to it that’s more then half of the country saying yes so why can’t it happen. It isn’t fair on them because all they want is the same equal rights. But the government doesn’t want to allow it because they don’t see it as being right which is completely unfair. Another point I wish to make is the mardi gras festival if our country can have a festival dedicated to the gays. Why can’t we allow same sex marriage what is the point in this festival I mean the festival shows our government is supporting gays? It is completely wrong and our government should consider allowing same sex marriage. My final point I’m going to make on this issue is that there are a number priests and minsters who support gay marriage. Now as most people would think people of the church are against this issue as the bible. supposedly says that gay people are not allowed and that it’s wrong but surprisingly they support it. Now if people who worship god and don’t get married for god can accept this. Then our government should be able to support it and give it the go ahead. Just to recap everything I think the government should allow same sex marriage if more then half of this country can do it. If we have a festival for it and priest and minsters that support it then it should be allowed.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Necessity of Ethics in Criminal Justice
Erazo Criminal Justice April 15, 2013 Prompt: Give an account of the role of ethics and its significance to the functions of the criminal justice system in America, and describe its impact on crime and social control. The Necessity of Ethics in Criminal Justice The role of ethics is important to the criminal justice system as well as the government because it helps maintains social control and crime control. Over time the role of ethics has adapted in every aspect of the criminal justice system.Without the role of ethics there would be corruption; the law would have little meaning because its application would be undependable (citation. ) The criminal justice system, which works along with the government, has a great impact of how people treat each other, therefore the role of ethics is not only important for the law but for society as well. Of course there are differences in ethics; depending on certain occupations ones ethics will vary, but the overall role of ethics is to â€Å"d evelop personal qualities such as: courage, honesty, confidentiality, law-abiding behavior reproach and exemplary in nature†(cite 3. It is important for our defense attorneys, police officers, and judges to practice the role of ethics to maintain a stable criminal justice system. It is important to have ethics in the criminal justice system because it prevents corruption, brutality and racial discrimination. Without the role of ethics, the criminal justice system would not be where it’s at today. It abides by the supreme law of the land which falls under the preamble of the constitution which is the Bills of Rights.The Bill of Rights makes sure to protect every citizen’s rights no matter the gender, race or other discriminatory factors. The criminal justice system holds true to these factors which reduce corruption, brutality and racial discrimination. There would be corruption in the CJS (Criminal Justice System) by police corruption. There would be police corr uption by extortion: demanding money for not writing traffic tickets, and bribery: accepting money in exchange for not enforcing the law. Police corruption carries high costs in many ways.The first way of corruption is that police corruption detracts from the integrity of police authority and tarnishes the image the public view law enforcement. The public expect authorities to be honest and to treat everybody equally. The lack of law enforcement adds on to the increase of crime rates because authority is influencing negative behavior by not stopping crime. Secondly, it protects other criminal activities that deal with prostitution and drugs. The police are being bribed of not enforcing the law by the exchange of money. Criminals offer lucrative sources of income for organized crime.This means that a criminal would pay a police officer a certain amount of money to let a crime happen and the police would prevent law enforcement regulations upon them. What is usually seen in police cor ruption is called narcotic corruption. Narcotic corruption is â€Å"an inevitable consequence of drug enforcement,†(Cliff Notes-Police Corruption. ) Police officers are being offered either lucrative income or share some of the profit being made from the drugs that are being brought because of the prevention of law enforcement these officers are taking a part of.Providers of these services and illegal goods use part of their profits to bribe the police in order to ensure the continuation of criminal enterprises. If authority is not giving out the prime example of enforcing the law, what are the expectations of the citizens following them? Police corruption adds on to crimes, therefore following the role of ethics is strictly important to prevent incidents of police corruption to keep happening. The role of ethics makes sure to reduce police corruption if not eliminate it.To catch the violating officers, the criminal justice system holds special investigation commissions and auditors. Police corruption has been reduced tremendously by teaching officers the role of ethics as well. Another reason why the role of ethics is important to the criminal justice system is because of police brutality. In the year 1982, the federal government funded a study named, â€Å"Police Services Study,†in which thirteen percent of 12,000 people interviewed were abused by police brutality.Studies such as the Police Services Study show that most brutality is pressed against minority groups (Cliff Notes- Police Brutality. ) Police brutality ties in with racial discrimination against minority groups. There is also discrimination against homosexuals that are abused by police officers. When police officers are charged in court for brutality, they claim that they used the contempt of cop and situational variables which means that they attacked the criminal in self defense.The way that brutality is being prevented is not only by the role of ethics, but also by the internal affairs unit which means that units investigate complaints against officers to see if there is any suspicions of corruption, complains of brutality or other kinds of excessive force. After the police beating of Rodney King in 1991, the inspection general position was established to monitor citizen complaints dealing with police brutality and racial discrimination. What often ties in with police brutality is racial discrimination.Racial discrimination is mostly aimed towards Hispanics and African Americans. A study done in 1994 through 1995 of a group of 90,000 middle school and high school teenagers were surveyed to see how they would turn out to be in the year 2008. The study in 2008 states that the majority of the teenagers that were surveyed in 1994 that were African Americans had higher statistics of being arrested, incarcerated, and received long criminal sentences. The majority of journalism reports stated that, â€Å"more than white men, African American men engage in violen ceâ€â€and, on average, their IQs are lower. (Psychology Today. ) The study was more focused on the race of the individual instead of focusing on if the criminal justice system was fair to every single one of these individuals; it was not focused on seeing if the African Americans were discriminated or if they were abused brutality by police officers, instead they focused on their IQ levels and skin color as leading factors to see why African Americans engaged in violence more than the common white man. Criminal Justice cases state that African Americans have faced discrimination since the era of slavery.Ever since then they have been treated unfairly in every aspect of social factors. African Americans have suffered discrimination because of their skin color. The discrimination of African Americans initially began through the system of slavery, and then continued onto the pattern of segregation as well as legislative decisions that have encouraged discrimination against African Americans. Legislative encouraged discrimination of African Americans by considering Africans as property when they were slaves.After slaves were free there was still discrimination because government didn’t want to give them their rights. Since then African Americans have been fighting to be equal. Even centuries after the slavery era, African Americans are still being discriminated not only in a social standpoint but in the criminal justice system as well by racial discrimination. The role of ethics tries to teach their police officers to not be judgmental because of a stereotype or skin color.They try to predict if the accused person is guilty based on evidence instead of gender, race and economic status in cons of if they are a minority group. The role of ethics of course does not only surround itself by making sure there is no corruption, brutality and race discrimination, but also it prides itself in the way they hold their morals in the criminal justice system. There m orals are to develop personal qualities such as courage, honesty, confidentiality, and law abiding behavior to everybody involved in the criminal justice system.The counselors that are involved in the criminal justice system make sure to keep the accused or criminals personal information confidential unless it is a threatening act against another person or a group of people. The reason this ethic is important to the CJS is because if the code of confidentiality is broken, it could not only hurt the person who was betrayed but it also affects the way society views the system. The role of ethics impacts the way people view society.Even every day people practice the role of ethics; it could be in other areas but they have similar methods. It is crucial that defense attorneys, judges, and police officers abide by the role of ethics. Defense attorneys need to abide by the role of ethics when defending the accused by making sure they don’t give false testimony during their trial; t his keeps the CJS fair. Defense attorneys are expected to make sure that the information presented in court is true and that the person speaking against or for the accused is giving true information as well.Police officers are expected to follow the role of ethics as well by treating all accused and victims by their rights and to not arrest or approach them with brutality or arrest and treat a person unjustly just because of their race. Judges as well are expected to follow the code of ethics by making court decisions based on the information presented and not on racial factors, gender and other factors that could sway a person to be discriminatory against somebody.The code of ethics is very important in crime and social control because it helps reduce crime by establishing a platform on which authorities follow to ensure that everybody being tried is given an equal trial. When the criminal justice system had not established the code of ethics, African Americans and homosexuals were treated brutally by police officers. Police officers would beat them and sometimes unjustly accuse them of accusing a crime even though they did not do it. As well as judges and cases brought to the justice system, they would discriminate and state that the verdict is guilty.There were all types of corruption in the criminal justice system starting from the basic authority such as police officers following to defense attorneys and finishing off with judges who are one of the most valued authorities. Even when not dealing with crime, like for example parole officers who deal with juvenile delinquents, they are to enforce what the court says to be followed by the convicted offenders. If they do not enforce the law, the person might reoffend causing more hard due to poor ethics by officers causing more problems for the criminal justice system.The role of ethics gives every citizen the right to be treated equally when being accused of a crime. It implies that every person would not be treated differently because of a social discriminatory factor therefore keeping the CJS honest and law abiding. Ethics help keep social and crime control mainly through studying ethics because it is possible to define unethical behavior. It is important to have the capacity to point to moral reasoning in justifying behavior, and the study of ethics develops that capacity.The impact the role of ethics has on the criminal justice system is a positive one for it prides in honesty and law abiding factors; by implying the role of ethics, the public trusts the system more causing less chaos. Works Cited â€Å"The American System of Criminal Justice: Innocent Until Proven Guilty. †The American System of Criminal Justice: Innocent Until Proven Guilty. N. p. , n. d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. http://www. stimmel-law. com/articles/criminaljustice_us. html â€Å"Criminal Justice: Police Corruption. †Criminal Justice: Police Corruption. N. p. , n. d. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. ttp://www. cliffs notes. com/study_guide/Police-Corruption. topicArticleId-10065,articleId-9979. html â€Å"Criminal Justice: Police Brutality. †Criminal Justice: Police Brutality. N. p. , n. d. Web. Spring 2013. http://www. cliffsnotes. com/study_guide/Police-Brutality. topicArticleId-10065,articleId-9975. html â€Å"No Discrimination†¦ | Facebook. †No Discrimination†¦ | Facebook. N. p. , n. d. Web. Aug. 2012. http://www. psychologytoday. com/blog/the-bejeezus-out-me/201303/no-discrimination-in-the-criminal-justice-system â€Å"The Importance of Ethics in Criminal Justice. †N. p. , n. d. Web.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Demonstrating Leadership as a High School Sports Captain
There is no question that leading other people is not easy. Whether it means taking charge in a group project for school, putting together a fundraiser or a volunteer event, or even coordinating social plans on a Friday night, it can be at times difficult and time-consuming to try to get people to listen to you and work together to benefit the group as a whole. This being said, for all the trials and tribulations that one might have to go through in a leadership position, there are usually many benefits as well. This is certainly the case in high school sports. Becoming a team captain for your high school sports team can be a fulfilling experience that offers many professional and personal benefits. Read on to find out more about how you can set a model for leadership as a sports captain. Every sport is different in the amount of teamwork it requires, but even more individual sports teams (like wrestling and tennis) train together and have a certain team dynamic. Whether it is an individualized or a team sport, all sports can benefit from having a student leader, and so high school sports teams usually have a student captain. Many high school sports teams have a captain in addition to a professional coach because student athletes might have a better rapport with their teammates than an adult coach. Although a coach might be able to relate to students more than a teacher or another authority figure, there is no question that student captains will obviously have more common ground with other students. For students who are chosen to be captains, taking on a leadership position can also be helpful for college applicationsâ€â€admissions committees want to see students who are able to take on responsibility and work well with others.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Odd Body piercings a look at upper lip piecring Essay
Odd Body piercings a look at upper lip piecring - Essay Example Now she was no more with her friend and was also independent, so could have got the lip pierced, but she thought better of it because having her lip pierced would have totally put her job in jeopardy and could have sabotaged her career. Besides, Amy had now grown too old to look good with a pierced lip. It was like she had grown out of her piercing age. Her eye-brow piercing spoke negative of her mannerism and told how stupid she had been when she was a kid to have gone for something like an eye-brow piercing. Years went by and Amy became a manager. She looked very decent and civilized in her business attire but the eye-brow piercing would ruin it all. She was generally a very decent person and had such a persona that she was taken seriously by her subordinates. If there was one thing she would like to change about her appearance, it was her eye-brow piercing. However, she thanked God she had not gone for a lip piercing because that would have looked way too vulgar, indecent and absu rd. Conclusion: â€Å"Oral piercings, including lip and tongue jewelry, are a popular form of body modification†(Palmer, 2011). Piercing anywhere on the face in general and the lip in particular is becoming increasingly common among the youth all over the world. It is visualized by teenagers and adolescents as a symbol of fashion. For many, it is something that needs to get done for an individual to remain inn the fashion.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Integration plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Integration plan - Essay Example Organizational theory is useful when applied to intricate and complicated situations with organizations and in finding creative and inventive ways to deal with those problems. Some phenomena are too complex to be precisely specified through the use of a mathematical formula because human behavior is also unpredictable. In such cases, metaphors, analogies or theories may be more appropriate and also allow for the exercise of multiple perspectives. Organizational theories are like frames through which organizational aspects and culture can be viewed, allowing practitioners to view events occurring within an abstract context and thereby evaluate them objectively (Hatch, 1997). It also allows practitioners to approach problems with a thorough underlying understanding of organizational function and design and from multiple perspectives in order to successfully achieve organizational goals, create successful marketing trends or control and monitor performance through appropriate structuring and designing of organizational processes. Ans 2: In my own life, my approach to problems is likely to be different after studying organizational theories and designs. This study has added to my existing knowledge on concepts which is likely to help me analyze future experiences in the light of those concepts. The knowledge of organizational theory is also likely to help me discover the connecting links between events where I might not otherwise have seen a relation. This may help to highlight hidden aspects of a problem and provide me the opportunity to view the situation in fresh ways to develop innovative solutions. When my personal experiences are combined with my theoretical knowledge of concepts obtained from organizational theory, it is likely to enhance my understanding of organizations and help me to develop effective solutions. Due to the abstract element present in organizational theory, it
Monday, August 26, 2019
Sensory Perceptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11
Sensory Perceptions - Essay Example Knowledge alone cannot provide the wisdom and thoughtfulness to take the right decision but experience plays a vital role. One must have the ability to delineate what one must know and what not to act accordingly. Self belief provides confidence to trust perception. When an individual touches any hot object, reflex action works and immediately hand is withdrawn before any mishap occurs. This is based on knowledge that a person acquires, things burn if they catch fire and an experience further strengthens knowledge to stay away from hot objects, such an approach safeguards the individual from any jeopardy. This is based on accuracy of information and experience gained. In a similar manner if there is a leakage of cooking gas, a person immediately senses the potential danger of some mishap and by trusting the accuracy of sensory response an immediate action is taken based on the knowledge, to switch off the regulator and to open the doors and windows. Sense of perception empowers one to drive safely on the road. By trusting the accuracy of sensory response of sight, judgement to drive with precision and to manage the traffic turns up and enables an individual to avoid road accidents. This is based on knowledge, road sense and accuracy in driving. Experience plays a vital role in taking certain decisions, for instance if an individual had an argument with his neighbour and he happens to see his neighbour talking with one of his close friends, immediately a thought enters his mind that the neighbour must be talking about the incident of argument. This perception could be inaccurate as they may be talking about something else. Such perception depends on the nature of the individual, the psychological upbringing which frames the thoughts and hence it is based on the nurture of the individual. In some cases sensory data is interpreted inaccurately. For instance, one may judge the depth of the ditch on the road as shallow and presumes that he can cross
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Steriodogenesis has a common pathway but hormonal steriods are Essay
Steriodogenesis has a common pathway but hormonal steriods are secreted in a strongly cell specific manner. Discuss - Essay Example Steroidogenesis takes place in endocrine glands like the adrenal and gonads.P450side chain linked cleaving enzyme get involved in the interconversion of cholesterol to Carbon18, Carbon19, and Carbon21 and this is the committed step of Steroidogenesis (John 1994, p.33). HMG-CoA or the mevalonate pathway generates isopenteyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate which serve as precursors for steroidal hormones biosynthesis. Isopenteyl pyrophosphate and dimethylallyl pyrophosphate become joined forming geranyl pyrophosphate that becomes lanosterol (Mary 2011, p.55). Lanosterol undergoes Steriodogenesis transformation to form other steroids. All steroid hormones in humans follow this pathway, but not all steroids are hormones (John 1994, p.77). Steroid hormones are crucial for proper functioning of the body. They get synthesized from cholesterol which is also a component of the cell membrane thus the hormone is able to enter the cell and bind to its receptor. Steroid hormones get classified as androgens, estrogens, progestins, mineral corticoids and glucocorticoids. Both estrogens and androgens get generated by the gonads and affect sexual development. Progestrins mediate the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Excretion of water and salts by the kidney get regulated by mineral corticoids while lipid carbohydrate and protein metabolism become affected by glucocorticoids. Steroid hormones become synthesized when they are need. The brain releases a signal when the body wants a certain protein synthesized or needs a certain process done (John 1994, p.78). These signals get transmitted via the intermediary hormones in other words through trophic hormones. Once released, they act on the central nervous system and the peripheral target tissues (Richardb2010, p.67). One can regulate the amount of steroid hormone secretion by regulating the amount of cholesterol produced because cholesterol is the precursor for these hormones. The adrenal cortex has three main tissue re gions: the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculate, and zona reticular is. These zones are histological and enzymatically distinct and the exact steroid hormone secreted depends on the enzymes present (Reginald 2010, p.34). Adenocorticotropin (ACTH) hormone regulates hormones produced at the zona reticularis and zona fasciculata (Donald 2010, p.56). The hypothalamus releases ACTH in to the blood stream then it become carried to the adrenal glands where it binds to ACTH receptors on the cell membrane activating adenylate cyclase with production of cAMP (second messenger).This leads to ultimate secretion of cortisol. When the body needs to accumulate more sodium, angiotensinogen get released from the liver and it become to angiotensin( i) and later angiotensin (ii) that bind to the cell membrane receptors which get coupled to the phospholipase c of the zona glomerulosa (John 1994, p.32).This leads to secretion of aldosterone; a mineral corticoid. Aldosterone leads to sodium retention by fa cilitating gene expression of messenger RNA for sodium-potassium ATPase which is responsible for reaccumulation of sodium and potassium. Gonadol steroid hormones become secreted by the testis and ovaries. The important hormones in this category are the estradiol and testosterone. Luteinizing hormone stimulates testosterone production in men by binding to Leydig cells. Androgen binding protein transports testosterone sertoli cells which convert it to
Chapter discussions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Chapter discussions - Essay Example The individuals with lower levels of education earn much less as compared to the learned individuals with at least one degree. The other factor is ones racial background that has led to minority races in the US to earn much less despite having the same qualifications as those of the majority White race. The government can use public policy to promote equality of all races in employment and lower the costs of education for everybody. Discrimination at work is unethical because it denies qualified individuals an opportunity to work effectively thereby contributing to the economic problem of poverty. Discrimination is an illegal act in the US and those practicing it risk facing legal sanctions. Discrimination in the workplace can be reduced through management diversity in the organization and incorporating policies that seek to employ people of all ages, disabilities and races based on their
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Strategic Management Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Strategic Management Master - Case Study Example The history of Toyota is indeed remarkable in that it has ventured into manufacturing of small cars in a big way. It has introduced new car making technology by mass producing hybrid gas electric vehicles with a capacity of 1 million globally. During the year 2005, Toyota has produced 8.5 Million vehicles and has a large market share. Toyota now claims to be the 8th largest car manufacturing company in the world. However one of the fact remains that it has not been able to make much inroads in the European markets. The success story of Toyota lies in its use of scientific systems and procedures for car making .Through the use of Kaisen, which entails efficiency and optimum work effort, and is basically designed for improving efficiency. Lean management which is based on developing managers who are problem solvers is based on serving customers and heightened level of performance attainment. Lean Management is a total holistic concept which is designed to attain efficiencies in all spheres of car making through the use of waste elimination. The basic theme of Toyota Production System (TPS) is to achieve operational excellence and instil an organisational culture that values and respects people and nurture and develop their creative abilities. The stage is set for small cars, to come in a big way, in the international arena, fuelled by mounting fuel costs and strong pollution laws. It is widely believed that in the next 5 years, the global demand for small cars would grow by nearly 30%, averaging nearly 18 Million (Schifferes 2007). The major players who manufacture and sell small cars are Indian brands like Tata, Maruthi, Renault, Fiat, Peugot, Daewoo (GM), Hyundai and Daihatsu. The fact remains that the almost prohibitive costs of fossil fuels and stringent pollution norms have become a severe deterrent for automakers. It has therefore become essential to seek ways and means for finding out cheaper and clean, fuel efficient alternatives. Toyota could rightly claim to have established brand leadership in hybrid cars and has surged ahead of even Ford and General Motors (GM). However, the spread of alternative technology involves large investments and technological barriers. However, the full scale development and product implementation of advanced fuel alternatives is an expensive and time-consuming matter and may take around a decade for its final development. "But in the long run, no major car company doubts that ethanol, diesel, electric, hybrid and even hydrogen-powered vehicles will become more important in the future." (Schifferes 2007). The present day automotive industry is going through a total and thorough change in its production methods. It has now become necessary for scientific techniques, principally based on lean management, aimed at reducing the costs of making small cars, and also making it easier for automakers to shift their production patterns to match customer preferences and tastes over a period of time. This is also one of the principle reasons why Toyota has overtaken GM as the most powerful automaker in the higher efficient production system (Globalization). During the middle of the 20th Century, the American automaker GM dominated the US car markets with 100 % share. But now, at the beginning of the 21st century, its market share has come down to 52% with Japanese and European carmakers at 43% and 5% respectively.
Friday, August 23, 2019
14 Years Old and Pregnant Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
14 Years Old and Pregnant - Article Example I know I’m young blah blah blah. Don’t criticize me!! I’m old enough to know I can take care of a baby, I’ve been a babysitter for three years. And how long should I wait to take a pregnancy test Please Help!!!! –Worried Two years later and the worried young girl chose to go through pregnancy and childbirth and is now the mother of a healthy baby boy. She’s just about to turn 17, a time when most girls are worried about graduation pictures and college campus tours. How have many other teenage girls through this life-changing event of having children at such a young age? The Guttmacher Institute in New York, NY reports that in 2001 alone there were more than 782,000 pregnancies among 15-19-year-olds in the United States. Girls age 14 and younger accounted for an additional 18,280 pregnancies. Maryland ranks 13th among all fifty states, indicating there is much work to be done to reduce the teen pregnancy rates in Maryland. The consequences of a teen choosing to keep her baby are far-ranging for both the girl and her child. Teen girls are highly likely to be unmarried when they give birth, and they experience great difficulties securing stable relationships in future years, according to Mary Bissell of the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada. Teen mothers also tend to remain disadvantaged financially, which affects the child’s health and well-being from birth to adulthood, Bissell adds. Several studies have shown that teen mothers are more likely to live in poverty and to lack health benefits than their same-age counterparts who are not mothers. The consequences of not finishing high school or not attending college affect the girl and her baby, too; the teen mother can expect lower wages throughout her life, and her child has a reduced chance of obtaining an advanced education, states Bissell.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Proving Establish Liability For Each Offence Essay Example for Free
Proving Establish Liability For Each Offence Essay Archie is employed to protect the pheasants on Lord Melchetts estate from poachers. On day, from a distance he sees Liam and Craig on the estate and, knowing them to be poachers, he decides to rid himself of the problem for all time and fires his shotgun at them. Both Liam and Craig are only wounded, however, but do need to be taken to hospital for treatment. On the way to the hospital, the brakes on the ambulance fail, it leaves the road and overturns on a bend and Liam dies in the accident. With reference to the case situation above, discuss, using decided cases to support you arguments: a) The offences, if any, with which Archie could be charged and what the prosecution would need to prove to establish liability for each offence; (20) b) And whether you think Archie would be convicted of any offence. (5) a. In relation to the death of Liam, there is the possibility that Archie would be charged under homicide. Archie carried out the apt actus reus of homicide, whereby he has committed an unlawful killing in the Queens peace in the county of the realm and death occurs within 1 year and 1 day. Although Liam died only in the accident, the main cause for his death was Archie shooting at him. As such, Archie has provided for the cause in fact, according to the but-for test, where if but-for Archie, Liam would not have died. Contrary to R v. White, where the defendants mother died not from his poisoned drink but from a heart attack, Archie caused Liams death. Furthermore, Archie also undertakes the cause in law, as Liams wound is both substantive and operative. This is because it was Archies action that caused the injury (substantive) and this injury was still present at the time of Liams death (operative), as in R v. Malcherek Steel, where it was held that original injuries were still an operative cause of victims death. However, it may be argued that a Novus Actus Intervenis, an intervening event, caused Liams death and that Archie is not the main cause. This is only partially true, as the ambulances break failure was the last event of the chain of causation and causing Liams death. Yet, Archie can still be held liable if it can be established that there was a break in the chain of causation, however, there is none. Thus, the ambulance accident was merely a negligent contribution, as in R v. Benge, and Archies act is the cause of Liams death. According to the mens rea of murder, proof of intention to kill or cause grievous bodily harm must be shown, as established in R v. Moloney, holding that intention may be inferred from the defendants foresight of consequences. Here, the charge will depend on Archies intention, which might be deduced from the words that he muttered: rid himself of the problem for all time. As such, Archie knew the consequences of his actions, and had an intention to carry it out. Yet if this is the case, it must also be considered why Archie didnt actually carry out his apparent intention, to rid himself of the problem for all time, as he did not actually get rid of (ie. kill) them. However, if this is not the case, it can be said that Archies intention can be found if he foresaw death or GBH as a virtually certain consequence, as in R v. Woollin. It is also not known where and the number of times Archie shot at Liam and Craig, as this would confer an indication of any considerable intention. If Archies shooting was limited, perhaps one or two in the leg, then it can be said he had no intention to kill, but just an intention to frighten. If he only had an intention to frighten, then his act is already an unlawful act in itself, as it is dangerous and is foreseeable to cause harm. This is true with Archie, and he also had the intention to commit the unlawful act, as in R v. Lamb, where the defendant did not have the mens rea to kill, but only to shoot the gun. Archies act was also dangerous, likewise in R v. Church where it was held that dangerous would mean a reasonable man realizing the risk of creating some harm. In DPP v. Newbury Jones, it is said that if the accused intentionally commits a dangerous and unlawful act, causing harm or incidentally, the death, of another, he is then guilty of constructive murder. Therefore, in relation to Liams death, Archie can be liable for constructive manslaughter. In relation to the injuries sustained by Craig, there is the possibility that Archie will be charged under Section 20 of the Offences Against Persons Act 1861. The actus reus required here is merely wounding, as defined in JJC v. Eisenhower as breaking of the skin(skin here meaning any surface of the human body) or inflicting grievous bodily harm. The mens rea necessary includes a malicious intention and a foresight of physical harm. This foresight must involve the possibility of some physical harm to a person, as in R v. Mowatt. Archie, thus fulfills both the actus reus and mens rea for S20 of the OAPA. However, Archie may also be charged under Section 47 and Section 42. Under S47, Craig has to be seen to have sustained actual bodily harm, defined in R v. Miller as any harm calculated to interfere with persons health and comfort. Under S42, Archie has to be seen to put another person in fear of immediate personal violence and has touched another without their consent. If this can be established, Archie would be liable for Section 20 (Offence involving wounding/GBH), Section 47 (Common assault, battery GBH) and Section 42 (Assault battery) of the Offences Against Persons Act 1861. b. In the case of Liams death, Archie would be charged for murder. However, this is rather difficult to prove, as the mens rea required for murder involves proof of intention to kill or cause grievous bodily harm as established in R v. Moloney. Thus, he would not be convicted of murder, but rather involuntary manslaughter, with constructive liability. As for Craigs injuries, Archie would be charged under Section 20 of the OAPA. Further charges might include Sections 47 and 42. The conviction under Section 20 is undeniable, but for Section 47 and 42, it is only highly plausible.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Broken Windows Theory Essay Example for Free
Broken Windows Theory Essay The â€Å"broken windows†theory as explained in the article; which holds that physical detoriation and an increase in unrepaired buildings leads to increased concerns for personal safety of residents and a rise in the crime rates, is an applicable theory for the conditions in the inner cities. I believe it also can apply to the current conditions in some suburban areas that are degrading, such as the local town of Norristown where I grew up. Norristown up until the 1960’s and the rise in drug use, was peaceful little mini-city in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Growing up in Norristown, my father would tell me stories of neighbors taking care of neighbors during tough economic times, and even fearing getting in trouble because everyone in the neighborhood would hit him before he got home to his father. The area hangouts were always clean and peaceful, and the houses were up kept. There still was crime, but it wasn’t always violent or prevalent. That all changed in his estimation by the late 1960’s. The drug culture entered into the area, and houses started to become run-down due to numerous squatters living 10-15 at the time in them. Area hangouts became dangerous, and he said they would have to literally fight other groups to be allowed to use the basketball courts. Violent crimes with weapons rose, and so did murder. During the 1970’s and the 1980’s, older residents began moving out in droves despite the Council’s attempts to institute tougher crime-fighting tactics. By the turn of the 2000’s, many neighborhoods looked rundown and were dangerous. I was born in Norristown in 1986 and lived there until my parents were able to move out in 1998. Drugs were rampant, crime was bad, and my mother never let me leave the house without someone older and trustworthy escorting me. If you took the time walking down in the neighborhoods, which we did a lot to get to school, you noticed many of the things mentioned in the â€Å"broken windows†theory breakdown. Many houses had broken windows, graffiti, and were the hangouts for drug users. Squatters were as prevalent as they were in the late 1960’s, with anywhere between 10-20 adults of all kinds of races living in the houses and dealing drugs. The police couldn’t do anything without getting shot. A lot of officers were harmed, and the drug operations to try and stop the flow of drugs from Philadelphia and Camden, NJ were hardly successful. I personally saw two of my cousins fall trapped to both sides of this dichotomy, one became a narcotics officer who was forced into retirement due to being shot in the back by a drug dealer, and another cousin is spending the next 25 years in prison for drug trafficking and the sale of cocaine. Gangs and drug dealers began coming from Philadelphia to establish â€Å"satellite†branches of their operations. People began putting bars on their window s due to the break-ins, community events kept getting cancelled, and the sound of gunshots became normal. By late 2004, the Council in Norristown decided to take action. Rundown houses were boarded up and condemned. Cops were brought in from outside jurisdictions to train the Norristown police on how to run better undercover drug sting operations. Crime was reduced, but murders were still high. The Council also sought out one thing they didn’t before, outside investment by companies to revitalize sections of the town. With these steps, Norristown has begun to improve, and so has the feelings of safety for the local populace. However, Norristown has decades of decay to combat, which will take time. If only they had looked at the â€Å"broken windows†theory they could have fixed this years ago.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Doubt Is The Key To Knowledge Discuss.
Doubt Is The Key To Knowledge Discuss. People created proverbs and used to apply them when experiences similar to the one which resulted in the construction of the proverb reoccurred. The Persians had one of the most famous proverbs that are still used in our time; they used to say doubt is the key to knowledge, but to what extent is this phrase true? Through the areas and ways of knowledge, this proverb will be further studied to determine to which extent it is true. In this essay, I will be using the natural sciences and religion as areas of knowledge and linking them to the ways of knowledge; perception and reason or logic. Doubt is one of the earliest ways the human beings started gaining knowledge from the world around them. It is known that doubt is when a person starts questioning a subject that confused him or has been on his mind for a time. It is then that this person starts asking questions in order to gain further knowledge about the subject he wishes to acquire. We can generally say that doubt is the origin of obtaining knowledge as human beings started questioning the world and everything in it; they were able to get the answers they wanted and increased their knowledge. The world famous French philosopher, writer, physicist and mathematician Renà © Descartes believed that doubt could never be the key to knowledge and information from the world. He was considered one of the first thinkers ever to introduce philosophy to natural sciences. Descartes believed that one can gain truth without doubt; he introduced his method called methodological skepticism in which he rejects any ideas that can b e doubted, then reestablishes them so that he can get genuine knowledge from these ideas. One of Descartes books is one called Meditations on First Philosophy. The book has six meditations in it in which Descartes banishes any belief that contains, even if in small quantities, any kind of uncertainty, but then reestablishes the things that are known for sure. Each one of the six meditations were written as if in one day Descartes speculated and came up with the meditation; so the book was authored as if he meditated for six days and developed his meditations. Three of Descartes meditations are discussed. His first meditation is called Meditation I: Concerning Those Things That Can Be Called into Doubt. In this meditation, Descartes remembers that he was once deceived by his senses and since that happened before, it can happen again. So he tells himself, if I am being deceived, then my beliefs are treacherous and uncertain. The second meditation called Meditation II: Concerning the Nature of the Human Mind: That It Is Better Known Than the Body is an acknowledgment to the first meditation. Descartes believed that since he is a thinking thing, then he must exist. Since he is a thing that can deceived and have thoughts and beliefs, he must exist. His third meditation Meditation III: Concerning God, That He Exists argues that God is present and he rejects the idea of God being invented. He proposed three types of ideas; Innate, Factitious and Adventitious. The innate ideas are the ones that are and always have been with us, whereas factitious ideas are from our imagination and lastly the adventitious ones come from our experiences from the world. Descartes believed that God is an innate idea and that he is not improvised. That was Descartes beliefs when it comes to doubt, as he does not believe that doubt is the key knowledge. Let us discuss the natural sciences at first. Ever since the break of dawn, the human being has been trying to know the truth about his origins and the world around him; have we truly evolved from apes or were we simply created by God? These questions have always been present in the humans mind and this is the reason behind his doubt concerning this topic. This issue has raised many conflicts among people, but most importantly, created the Darwin theory of evolution. Darwin believed that all living organisms evolved from much simpler single-celled organisms. His doubt in the belief that God created us from nothing made him seek after the answers he wanted to get. He did not believe in what he was told and sought after the truth after questioning this topic, evidently coming up with his widely accepted theory from different people all over the world. One too many facts from the sciences such as physics and biology were found based on doubt. Take the Arabic Muslim optical scientist, Ibn Al-Haitham. The people who lived in his era thought that the eye itself emitted light rays and causing our sight. Ibn Al-Haitham, on the other hand, did not believe in what these people used to say and doubted this fact, and so he started his own experiments to prove them wrong, and he was able to show that light was reflected off surfaces and became incident on the eye resulting in our sight. People use the logic they have to reason with the things that go around them. And through the logic, they are able to realize that some things do not add up; and this leads them to questioning and trying to find answers if they are unsatisfied with the results in front of them. Through their journey of seeking the answers, these people can find them only by observing or experimenting and then find logical answers. Human beings find answers when in doubt by experimenting and when the results show up they use reason and logic to interpret them, leading them to knowledge based on doubt. However, a different area of knowledge that can be studied to show to what extent the doubt is the key to knowledge statement is true is religion. Let us take the religion for instance. Not all the people of the world believe in religion, but why is that? Why have the non-believers become what they are now? This is all because we, as human beings, doubt the things around us. We are curious beings and want to know more of everything. As time progresses, people doubt what had been told to them by God. Some do not believe that he created Adam and Eve and rather wanted to accept the evolution theories as true such as Darwins. Others do not believe that there is a judgment day, and therefore wish to explain what is happening to our world nowadays from a scientific point of view. As for religion itself, talking about Christianity for example, doubt is not an option. You either believe in God or you do not. It is said in the Holy Bible that Blessed are those who did not see and believe. Through this, it is like God is telling us that there is no need for doubt, and that we only have to follow what our hearts tell us and how our soul guides into believing that there is a God even though we cannot see him. Religion is telling us that doubt has no place in Gods will and he is our source of knowledge on him not doubt. He is the one who will explain everything to believers and guide them through their lives and provide them with answers when they need them; therefore he is a persons supply of knowledge and that person should gain it without having to doubt what God says. All in all, the statement doubt is the key to knowledge is true to an extent as proven earlier by the areas and ways of knowledge. But it is to a certain extent true, not fully true because other areas of knowledge such as the ethics contradict what the Persian proverb says. Doubt can reveal the response of unanswered questions, but on other times, it can blind us from seeing the truth. Word count: 1315 words
Monday, August 19, 2019
Queen Myongson Essays -- Korea Korean Leaders Essays
Queen Myongson (Queen Min) Queen Myongsong was born in 1851 in Yohung Min Chan. After the death of her father, the queen would not be able to build her own political power base in the patriarchal Korean society. At that time, the real power was in the hands of Hungsun Taewongun. Taewongun arranged his son to take Queen Min, whom lacked power and thus would not pose a threat to himself or Kojong. In 1866, at the age 14, Queen Min became wife to Kojong whom assumed power in 1864 at the age of 12. (2) At the time of her marriage, King Kojong's father, Taewongun, ran the country in his son's name. When King Kojong came to power in 1864, his father became the Regent. But the old man stayed on even after King Kojong became old enough to take over. To add insult to injury, Taewongun attempted to designate an illegitimate son of King Kojong the heir to the throne. In 1873, the Queen’s intelligence and cunningness enabled to convince her young husband to declare himself king in fact as well as in name. After throwing out Tawongun, Min placed her relatives in key positions of power and began to dismantle Taewongun's 'hermit' isolationist policy and opened up the country to foreign trades and friendly relations. Encouraged by his wife, King Kojong signed the Kanghwa Treaty with Japan and instituted a series of modernization and reform programs. (6) This created a bloody conflict between Queen Min and her father-in- law. In addition Queen Min had a difficult time giving birth t o a son, who was necessary to continue the royal line. In Korea, a woman could not inherit the throne in her own right. Therefore, having a son was crucial to the success of any queen. Growing impatient with the ... ...Network at Lost Angeles – Queen Min ( 2. QUEEN MIN--GRADE LEVEL: 10-12 AUTHOR: David M. Hanna SUBJECT: Global History, East Asian Civilization ( Lessons/klp_xxix.pdf) 3. Bird, Isabella. Korea and Her Neighbors. London: KPI Limited, 1985 (first published in 1897). ( 4. Tourism – Sightseeing ( 5. [New Horizon] Assassination of Empress Myongsong by Kim Byong-kuk ( 6. A Brief History of the US-Korea Relations Prior to 1945 by Kim Young-Sik, Ph.D. (
All Quiet on the Western Front :: essays research papers
Foreign Policy Book Review      World War I took place in the early 1900's. The United States entered the war late, trying not to get involved with foreign affairs. In Erich Maria Remarque's WWI novel All Quiet on the Western Front, we see the war through the German point of view of a 19 year-old Paul Baumer.      As more and more young German nationalists are brain-washed into battle, more and more lives are altered forever. Once in the war, the young soldiers realize that war isn't at all as glorious as they had believed. They continuously live in fear and unfathomable doubt.      One thing I liked about this book was that the heroin dies in the end; not because of animosity towards the main character but because it didn't end in an archetypal happy ending. It felt more real than same old story we've seen over and over again where the main character sees all his friends die yet somehow survives every battle.      One thing I learned from was that it really was terrifying to be at war during a militaristic industrial revolution. New weapons were constantly being brought into the war, and no one knew how to defend themselves against them. In modern day we have plans and defense systems for anything and everything, but they hadn't yet seen tanks or machine guns. Conditions were horrible in the trenches and people went mad every other day.      The thing I liked most about the book, however, was that it was written from the point of view of a German soldier. In America we hardly ever see any war through anyone else's eyes other than those of another patriotic American. I thought this feature did well in showing that, no matter what country, each soldier differs little from any other. It is the nation that has the problem, and the soldiers are sent in to settle the dispute sometimes not knowing what that may be. They asked the same questions of their government that we asked of ours.      The only thing I didn't like was it was a little confusing at times because of his writing style. I often confused characters and events, but that can be said of any story.      I would definitely recommend this book in the future because it's different than other novels we read in the same ways I explained that I like it. It brought a new twist tot he average war novel.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
How Justified Were President Lincoln’s Wartime Decisions? Essay
How Justified Were President Lincoln’s Wartime Decisions? In a time of war, it is necessary for the President to enforce limits on the power of individuals. President Lincoln was entirely justified in limiting rights during the wartime situation to protect the nation. It was also necessary for him to increase the size of the federal army in order for the North to have any possibility of winning the war. Lincoln had to do all that he could to keep the Border States, each of which the Union could not afford to lose. Setting limits on the rights of individuals was unavoidable for President Lincoln, because Copperheads posed a significant threat to the Union. It is almost certain that the North would have lost the war if Lincoln did not improve the Union’s army. The South had superior military trained personnel because most of the U.S. military that had been professionally trained seceded with the South. A number of notable military institutions were located in the South. The North only had a small â€Å"standing army†before the war. Congress was not in session at the time of crisis, so Lincoln himself requested 75, 000 men, most of which had never even held a gun. This large army needed training and supplies. Had Lincoln waited for the $2 million needed for military services to be appropriated, it may have been too late to successfully train such a large army. It was crucial that the Union did not lose any of the Border States. Martial Law had to be ordered in ...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
The Treatment of Love in Shakespeare’s Othello
What can we see about the treatment of love in literature from comparing Shakespeare and Browning? In Shakespearean ‘Othello' and Borrowing's ‘The Laboratory, it is implied that love was the cause of a desire for revenge on and the death of another character. In ‘Othello, Othello-despite loving her-desires revenge on Desman, believing she has been unfaithful, and irrationally decides to kill her: â€Å"l will withdraw/To furnish me with some swift means of death/For the fair devil†(Ill. Ii. 73-4), whilst in Borrowing's poem ‘The Laboratory, the monologist desires revenge on their lover by poisoning the woman with whom the lover was unfaithful-â€Å"And Pauline should have Just thirty minutes to live! †(VI. 3). All of these texts have dramatic conclusions as a result of each of the characters' desires. The conclusion of Othello, however, shows that the strength of the love between Othello and Desman was enough to cause Othello to feel so much re morse that e killed himself after killing her: â€Å"O fool, fool, fool! †(V. Ii. 319).This Implies that, despite killing Desman, his love for her was enough to make him want to be with her forever-in the end. This contrasts with the negative impression that love inflicts death and instead, portrays that love is very powerful. Just like in ‘Othello, In ‘The Laboratory, the motive for death is love. The monologist decides to poison a woman with whom their lover has been unfaithful. This also seems to be quite an Irrational action, but, unlike in ‘Othello, the central character feels no remorse for doing what they are doing, implying they have a different kind of love; possibly a weaker one.Overall, by comparing the texts of Shakespeare and Browning, we can see that, In literature, love is very often portrayed as being negative: a motive for revenge and the cause of many deaths. In ‘Othello' and ‘The Laboratory, both characters believe that the on ly way to sort out the problem of their lover being unfaithful, Is to murder hem, but they do not consider consulting the other person, Implying they do not understand the strength of love.By comparing these texts, we can see that, In literature, love Is portrayed as being a negative emotion, often overpowering the logical mind, however, linking back to the above point about Othello remorse for his lover's death, It can often be shown as a strong emotion that, In some cases, can result In positives, such as, the realization of the bond between lovers, but In others, can cause Irrational actions.
Friday, August 16, 2019
An analysis of the Government’s media strategies Essay
The Government is extremely concerned over the relationship between teenagers and drugs and, thinking of a way to reduce the number of dangerous accidents and deaths, have distributed booklets, leaflets, posters, television advertisements and even a web page to try and educate teenagers today about the risks involved when taking drugs. What these various sources of media have been doing is informing and helping the teenage society with the dangers that can take place when we come into contact with drugs. The Government’s ‘Talk To Frank’s’ scheme must be analysed in its effectiveness and whether teenagers have been confiding in Frank or if it is just a corporate initiative set up by men in suits so they do not lose their job. Two different sources of drug information, ‘The Score’ and ‘Drugs: The Facts’ need to be analysed and compared to see whether they will actually have any effect on teenagers today. So why has the Government invested so much money, time and effort on ‘Talk To Frank’? They must want results in return for all their hard work. What every Government promises is a better future and what makes a better future? Less drug addicts and drug-related crimes and more money that they can spend on beneficial public services. And what is the solution to get rid of all the future drug addicts: better drug awareness in youths. What sets ‘Talk To Frank’ apart from all the other drug awareness booklets and leaflets is its quality of writing and ability to communicate to the average teenager through colourful pictures and information that does not bore. It is factors similar these that can change a teenager’s mind concerning drugs in a second and stop them becoming addicted to drugs in the future. So what the Government is doing is both beneficial to teens and themselves because they are doing all they can do to get the point across to teens while at the same time, saving enough money when printing the booklets and leaflets. The economic cost of printing all these colourful leaflets is far cheaper than having to pay for all our mistakes in the future with rehab institutions and all the rehabilitation that follows. The target audience for Talk To Frank is teenagers, but why them? Why not young adults or pre-teen children? The reason that they have picked that specific group is because they are, apparently, at the perfect age. Not too old that the campaign is there too late or may have already tried drugs and not too young that they will not understand what half of it is giving reference to. Another very valid reason that teenagers are the targeted age group is because they are the biggest market consumers. They buy the most magazines, They have films made just for them and what do they do more than anything else? They watch TV of course and are susceptible to all the advertisements that play during the breaks. The Government cleverly spotted this decades ago and have since been doing all they can to get their products on the market. The teenage market cannot escape it, they thought, we will even bombard them with drug prevention leaflets at school. Fortunately for both them and teenagers alike, the Government’s tactic is working, but how? What self respecting teenager would wilfully choose to read a magazine warning them not to take drugs over the more entertainment-based ones. How does the Government manage to get their media products to so many children up and down the country? Quite simply, because they know what makes a teenage magazine sell. They then used all the desirable factors to produce something they hoped would encourage teenagers to say â€Å"no†. Their tactic worked. Of course, if every teenager in the country had read a ‘Talk To Frank’ product, they would be world famous. So why does not every teenager know what ‘Talk To Frank’s’ aim is? The reason is, and the Government knows this too, that you cannot put all teenagers into one category. There are polar opposites in the teenage world and if you appeal greatly to one kind, you are completely isolating the others. If they decided to use a certain type of language they could well be appealing to a certain teenager but might confuse another. This makes you wonder if ‘Talk To Frank’ is really the best solution and if there was the perfect piece of awareness out there, what would life be like? But in order to get the teenagers of Britain to read ‘Talk To Frank’, the front cover must be attractive and engaging enough for the teenager to actually pick it up. The background of one of the main drug information pieces is ‘The Score’. The front cover denotes a faded woolly jumper fabric, in a range of dark distorted colours. The main colour, purple, completely dominates the background. Purple connotes being lost or in a state of confusion. The background is connoting a drug trip and the fact that they have used purple is a way of saying that you are confused with the subject of drugs or you do not know who to turn to. Right in the centre there are the words, in very large bubble typography, ‘The Score’ with ‘Facts About Drugs’ written beneath this. The words are all written in white which connotes purity and clarity or maybe even an answer or solution. Around these words there are a series of sixteen small pictures drawn in a circle. Each of these represent a different drug, and this is where the use of generic features from teenage magazines has been introduced. We call this ‘tasters’, where the magazine is giving you a little look at what is going to be inside. Tasters are more commonly used in teenage magazines to give the target audience an idea of what is going to be on the inside of the magazine. It very cleverly wants the reader to read on without giving away everything on the front cover. The same idea has been used with ‘The Score’, because these pictures are giving you a little example of what they are going to be talking about within in the booklet. They do not tell you what drug each of the pictures represent, making you want to know what each of them represents so you read the booklet. They have used modern methods of attracting teenagers to the booklet. The phrase ‘The Score’ is old slang which means to get drugs but now it means to lay down the facts and get straight to the point. This is extremely clever because it is trying to appeal to both types of people, ones that know the old slang and the others, who know it as it is used today. Similarly, the first and most noticeable aspect of the front cover of ‘Drugs: The Facts’ is the background which is also purple, reminiscent of the ‘The Score’. So again, this connotes that there might be confusion about drugs and that this magazine is going to give you all the answers. The main title tells you from the beginning exactly what this booklet is going to be talking about. Exactly in the vein of ‘The Score’, the booklet has used generic features from teenage magazines to draw teenagers in and to get them to read this booklet. One of the tasters that is on the front cover of ‘Drugs: The Facts’ says ‘Problem Page’. A problem page is one of the main generic features of a teenage magazine; the fact that they are even considering the main generic features of a teenage magazine is showing how much they want them to read their booklet. They have used teenage slang to suggest that their booklet is laid back and relaxed, almost as if they have copied all the elements that made ‘The Score’ such a success. On the central layout of the front cover, there is an open eye. This could connote that this booklet is going to open you eyes to the problems regarding drugs and how to avoid them. Because their marketing campaign is so similar to ‘The Score’, it still is able to catch a teenager’s eye but at the same time comes across somewhat younger, to appeal more to the pre-teen market. Not all teenagers will be drawn in by the style that has been used, such as pictures resembling cartoons and slanting words, and this could cost ‘Drugs: The Facts’ when it comes to desirability. Of course, it would be pointless to judge whether the Government’s campaign had been working just by looking at the magazine’s cover so, in order to get a more detailed analysis, we have to look at the features inside. In ‘The Score’, there is a feature called ‘Dilemma’ and it is a completely typical generic feature of a teenage magazine, it also allows us to see what the Government thinks is a good way to entice teenagers to their booklet. ‘Dilemma’ is a prime example of what the Government thinks of teenagers. They are not going to use characters in a storyboard that are too out of place, otherwise they will not find it believable, ignore the message and turn to the next feature. What the storyboard focuses in on is a teenager called Steve who is preparing to go to a party. His mate offers him some speed so that he will learn to relax. Just to make sure they have not lost the teenagers so early on, they number the pictures. Of course, nothing bad can ever happen in a teenage magazine storyboard so Steve ends up rejecting his mate’s offer of speed and has a really great party! Everybody wins and the reader has learnt a valuable lesson. As odd as this may sound, it is far more effective at getting the message across than if Steve took the speed and ended up in hospital for the night because it leaves the user feeling positive. What happens when not-so positive features are used? The teenager might not understand the plot because it is so different from typical teenage magazines used today and, consequently, not take everything in? This is quite untrue and a similar feature used in ‘Drugs: The Facts’ has no title, no colourful storyboard and no cheesy 1960’s-style language. What the teenager does get, however is a hard-hitting real life story on the subject of one teenager’s encounter with lighter refills. At the top of the page, and the first feature that catches your eye is the text ‘My friend could have died†¦ ‘, with the continuation marks implying that you have to read the main text beneath it to understand the full picture. The main text is the teenager speaking in his own words, detailing his own experiences, not what the editor has put in place inside speech bubbles. The teenager is identified as Chris, fourteen, from Leeds, not Mr. Steve One-name. Chris goes on to say that he and some mates began to start sniffing lighter refills at the park, but when one of the gang fell to the floor and escaped death thanks to a passer by, they all stopped sniffing. What makes this so engaging is its subject matter, the fact that something bad happened to a real person, as if it could happen to the teenager reading. We know that the target audience is teenagers but we have not checked to see whether they are portrayed in the magazine appropriately. If we browse through both ‘The Score’ and ‘Drugs: The Facts’, it would be an unpleasant surprise if anyone thought that the way that they are portrayed is the normal way that teenagers dress, talk and behave. Lets say that a booklet has passed the first hurdle of being aesthetically pleasing to the teenager, can they possibly represent teenagers in a well enough manner to make them listen to what the booklet or leaflet has to say? In the majority of the cases it is another teenager speaking to them. Even if it is the editor of the magazine who is speaking on behalf of the characters, the clothes that the characters wear and their average lifestyle must reflect reality. No teenager wears faded down pastel coloured t-shirts tucked into beige khakis with a pair of large, brown boots to top it off. The Government must think that teenagers have the I. Q of a peanut if they are not able to take in large chunks of information and instead, have to be fed small bits that include a great number of slang words, most of which date back to when teenagers were not even alive. All of the work and effort that the ‘Talk to Frank’ campaign has done on both ‘The Score’ and ‘Drugs: The Facts’ would all be for nothing if it did not do what it is trying to achieve, which is to get teenagers to read their booklets. They want them to learn more on drugs, so that they are able to make their own decision when it comes to taking drugs. I believe that the front cover of ‘The Score’ is far better in its presentational devices and attracting a teenager’s attention than ‘Drugs: The Facts’. This is because of the tasters, as well as the rather interesting font, used on the front cover of ‘The Score’ that immediately get you interacting with the booklet from the word go. This use of immediate interaction makes the booklet considerably more appealing and so a larger majority of teenagers are going to pick it up and continue reading it. I think that the main problem with the ‘Drugs: The Facts’ booklet is that there is too much happening on such a small page and therefore is less appealing. I think they should have done something closer to ‘The Score’ where it is nice, plain and simple. On the other hand, the contents of ‘The Score’ can, at times, seem too simple to keep teenagers interested, they give you a few stories and a few problems and expect you to love it so much that you continue reading. All the Government would need to do is to combine some of the contents that are in ‘Drugs: The Facts’ such as the questionnaire that tells you what kind of person you are, and the various other quizzes with the method of presenting their information on drugs with the front cover of ‘The Score’ and they would have a far better booklet. Both booklets seem to miss the mark with what a teenager is looking for in a magazine. However, and this is generally the same with most other magazines similar to them, both manage to show the pressure that teenagers are under and all the possible factors that makes it worse. It clearly and repeatedly says that drugs are not a means of escape from all of this and at the ends of both booklets is the Talk To Frank help line which, and I quote, â€Å"offers free and confidential advice about any drugs issue, whether it’s info you’re after, advice or just a chat. You can also find out about the services available in your area. Lines are open 24 hours a day. †I wondered whether what it was stating was actually true, that they offer friendly advice. I talked to a friend who had phoned up the Talk To Frank help line a few months ago to try and find some answers. He told me that they offered advice, even to the questions that every parent dreads to hear. Does Frank really talk to Teenagers? Yes, and their help line is 0800 77 66 00.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Racism in the African-American Community Essay
Abstract Racism is today perceived as a social and baseless evil that tries to undermine certain individuals based on their skin color. It is entirely evident that the U. S. still suffers from some traces of racism, but surprisingly, a big majority of these cases come from the African-American communities. While many people hold the opinion that the African-Americans are the ones that are always on the receiving end, new polls reveal that they are the ones who show more racist behavior than the whites. This paper addresses some of the reasons that lead to racism among the African-American communities and also outlines how this transition slowly came into place after the advent of the 20th century. Additionally, this paper covers the consequences of this menace and its impact on the kind of peace that is present in today’s free states. Ultimately, this text tries to draw a line on the distinctive barrier between what African-Americans call racism and how Americans perceive the same social evil. It also explains why racism by itself is baseless and bears no meaning to the parties involved. RACISM 3 Racism in the African-American Community. Racism is a social evil that came as a result of slavery that began in the United States immediately after English colonists inhabited Virginia and remained there until the Thirteenth Amendment to the constitution of the U. S. was passed in 1865. During the 90’s more African-Americans underwent oppression from the Americans as the peak of racism was evident during these years more than ever. However, recent polls from Rasmussen reveal an entirely different perspective of the current racism situation in America. The report by Rasmussen indicated that many Americans believe that blacks are indeed more racist than Caucasians. Additionally, the report stated that a huge percent of African-Americans believe that more blacks are indeed racist than whites, and this is backed up by Norton (2011). This report, however, ended up being skewered and mocked by some people as they saw it to be untrue. This calls for a serious assessment into what is the main cause of this drift into racism in the African-American community and how this will impact people’s relationship. Also, it pushes for the need to better understand how racism itself managed to stay alive through the years despite the fact that such practices were long left behind in the recent years. Reasons for Racism Clearly, the deep trail of racism in African-Americans can be coined from the fact that blacks first faced oppression from the whites and this is what led to the ill-bred feeling among African-Americans. However, there are up to three more reasons why African-Americans are turning out to be more racist than Caucasians. These happen to be the most flagrant and thus top the list when it comes to the factors that result into racism. RACISM 4 First, racism in the African-American community may merely be as a result of different stereotypes. The media is also responsible for fueling this kind of attitude towards. African-Americans since it is through televisions, radios, and the internet that most people discover the underlying menace. Ornelas et al. (2009) maintain that whenever young African-Americans are exposed to certain stereotypes, they tend to mimic most of these traits and in turn become negative towards people from other races. In fact, most of these stereotypes are surprisingly among the influential African Americans in the country. During the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Junior’s historic speech, black activists displayed exactly this kind of behavior. This was evident through Martin Luther King III who used this opportunity to stir up racial hatred instead of honoring the work of his father. Another reason for the prevalence of racism amongst the African-American community is the unfamiliarity that is present among newborns and how they are treated in the real world. This is probably the main reason why African-Americans are slowly displaying racist behavior (Okazaki, 2009). However, this doesn’t always happen, but only after the innocent party has been brainwashed by negative stereotypes. A workaround for this is to ensure that children are exposed to people from different races at a young age so that they could get used to being around people who they deem different. This additionally helps in counterbalancing any negative and untrue stereotypes that may present themselves in the future. Selfishness, coupled with pain and anger, is also another valid reason why racism is on the rise among African-Americans (Lambert, 2009). Selfishness may have depicted itself among white people in the past, however, the case is different today. The sad truth is that this selfishness led to the creation of negative stereotypes that ultimately led to a new line of different-minded persons (Martin, 2011). Also, selfishness comes in when an African-American would feel more RACISM 5 compelled to spend more time around people of the same skin color because they he/she may have been exposed only to African-Americans during childhood age. Selfishness coupled with rage for the people who inflicted pain on their forefathers leads to hatred that is directed to white people. Why Racism among African-Americans Will Not End Soon Recently, renowned television icon Oprah Winfrey stepped up to state that racism will only end when old racists perish (Newsbusters. org, 2014). While this sounds logical from one perspective, it fails to address the fact that these stereotypes will never cease to exist any time soon. In most cases, racists will always give birth to racists and the cycle is perpetual. Therefore, despite attempts to curb racism in the African-American community, this menace is still too far from being over as new racists will always come back to replace their mothers and fathers. It is also worth noting that this doesn’t only happen among the African-Americans, but also among the whites as well. Another reason why racism among the African-Americans is far from being over is because they are seen to put so much emphasis on themselves whenever the word â€Å"racism†is mentioned. During the same interview that was conducted by BBC Friday, Winfrey’s comment â€Å"Are there places where people still get terrorized just because of the color of their black skin color? †further showed how most people only view racism in the eyes of how blacks are treated. Looking at the problem this narrowly makes it more difficult to end the menace as the racism chain won’t end if everyone simply defended their skin colors (Bonilla-Silva, 2010). In sum, it can be seen that racism in the African-American community can only be contained but certainly not dealt away with within a year. RACISM 6. How Racism Can Be Contained The fact that racism is not ending in the near future doesn’t necessarily mean that nothing can be done about it. It will certainly take years for the world to heal from this habit, but there are small but significant ways of ensuring that racism slowly fades away in the African-American communities. The first is by educating young African-Americans to reject any form of history of America that has elements of slavery in it (Shelby, 2009). By reminding the blacks about slavery may induce a feeling of resentment towards white people despite the fact that slavery ended decades ago. African Americans also bear the responsibility of desisting from using derisive words such as â€Å"nigger†or any variations associated to it (Cone, 2010). This is because when blacks utter these words, they also tend to inflict the same kind of attitude in people from other races. Additionally, African-Americans should cease supporting black-only institutions or media houses such as BET and Ebony magazine. Generally, anything that depicts the word â€Å"black†should be avoided since it strikes a line between how different Caucasians are from African-Americans, something that is not true (Boykin, 2012). Finally, African-Americans should learn to appreciate the art of decent dressing and totally avoid the use of Ebonics, an African-American slang that is widely used among black individuals. While this may seem far-fetched, it is one step away from ending racism since it shows that even African Americans are trying to fit in with the whites and simply not creating a larger barrier. Collaboration with law enforcement agencies will also be a huge step because this additionally shows that they too are concerned about the well-being of their neighbors and their security as well. RACISM 7 Consequences of Racism. Should African-American racism persist, there are a number of things that could happen. Hatred between African-Americans and whites would cause a drift between them, and this could easily spread to people from other races as well. The levels of cooperation would plummet and at the end of the day, nothing would get done (Pieterse, 2010). Other than stirred levels of cooperation, it is likely that some people might get displaced from their homes especially when lands start being claimed by the original inhabitants of a place. Discrimination also leads to poor mental health. In 2009, a Cornwell News Study conducted a study on the effects of racism and results showed that poor mental health is possible and it comes as a result of chronic exposure to discrimination (Brondolo, 2009). Ultimately, there would be total havoc if racism were to have its way for there would be zero tolerance for someone with a different skin color regardless of that person’s character. Wars could easily erupt between black individuals and white individuals, and a drift will end up crippling collaboration between people and thus resulting to a sluggish economy. In summary, there is no place for racism today. It has proved to be a social evil that discriminates individuals based on their color rather than character. Racism, however is seen to come from three main factors which include: unfamiliarity among people of different outlooks, selfishness among people of different colors who only wish for their people to benefit, and the presence of certain stereotypes that are transfixed to the racial practice. It is also mandatory to acknowledge the fact that racism is not an evil that could possibly end overnight because certain individuals have inclined it to a specific group of people and not everyone in general. As such, there will always be complaints regarding racist behavior since most individuals are readily RACISM 8 prepared to cry out for their rights without considering that other people may be facing bigger challenges than them. One way of containing racism would be to ensure that the racist stereotype is dealt away with completely or segregated from children who could easily pick up the negative racist behavior from their elders. Additionally, African-Americans also have a big role to play in ending this discrimination since they seem to be creating a drift between black individuals and white individuals when they only support their brands such as the BET channel and the popular Ebony magazine. The consequences of racism in the African-American community are also grave as they can result to a much bigger drift between whites and blacks in which it would be easy for some people to be displaced from their homes and even be denied jobs. Possibilities of wars are also very high since there would be zero tolerance to a person who doesn’t respect another person just because of their skin color. RACISM 9 Annotated Bibliography Bonilla-Silva, E. (2010). Racism Without Racists: Color-blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States;[new Chapter on the Obama Phenomenon]. Rowman & Littlefield. In this book, Bonilla-Silva, E outlines how racism can persist without the presence or racists themselves. It shows the reality of racism in today’s world and explains the roots of racism and racial inequality in the United States with a lot of emphasis on U. S. president Barrack Obama and the challenges that are faced at the presidential level. Boykin, K. (2012). ONE MORE RIVER TO CROSS (BLACK AND GAY IN AMERICA). Boykin, K explains the different challenges that blacks have to face when seeking their true identity in the U.S. and what life means for them in the U. S. The book goes further to explain how gay African-Americans find it challenging to fit in a world that already has more than enough hurdles to cross and enough reasons to make the weak quit. Brondolo, E. , ver Halen, N. B. , Pencille, M. , Beatty, D. , & Contrada, R. J. (2009). Coping with racism: A selective review of the literature and a theoretical and methodological critique. Journal of behavioral medicine, 32(1), 64-88. This book gives an overview on the way that African Americans try to cope with the kind of racism that they are subjected to in the U.S. It greatly focuses on the impact of this kind of discrimination on the African Americans and what this means for them. Brondolo, E also highlights key factors that cause this racism. Cone, J. H. (2010). A black theology of liberation. Orbis Books. Cone’s A black theology of liberation highlights the Christian-based perspective of oppressed blacks but mainly looks at the Cone’s own reflections on black theology. The book goes ahead to explain how racism can be ridded and it also looks at some of the roots of racism itself. Cone also relives the liberation process that led to the freedom of the blacks, but the book also highlights the hidden traces of racism that are still evident today. Lambert, S. F. , Herman, K. C. , Bynum, M. S. , & Ialongo, N. S. (2009). Perceptions of racism and depressive symptoms in African American adolescents: The role of perceived academic and social control. Journal of youth and adolescence, 38(4), 519-531. This book reviews some of the underlying factors that lead to depression in African American adolescents as a result of heavy subjection to discrimination from racism. The book also briefly touches on some of the causes of racism and explains how racism develops in young people and its impact as they become older. Martin, M. J. , McCarthy, B. , Conger, R. D. , Gibbons, F. X. , Simons, R. L. , Cutrona, C. E. , & Brody, G. H. (2011). The enduring significance of racism: Discrimination and delinquency among black American youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(3), 662-676. Martin, M. J. and other writers analyze the impacts of racism in the African American community and explains its significance in cultivating the kind of peace that is evident in today’s time. His main focus, however, lies in the discrimination of black American RACISM 10 youth by the whites and what this causes in the long run. He establishes how the negative stereotypes are formed as a result of the discrimination that the youths face. Newsbusters. org. (2014). Oprah: racists have to die for racism to end | newsbusters. org [online] Retrieved from: http://newsbusters. org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2013/11/15/oprah-racists-have-die-racism-end [Accessed: 8 Feb 2014]. This article outlines a transcript from an interview between Oprah Winfrey and BBC Friday regarding racism. In the article, Oprah is asked about her views on racism and various ways in which she thinks would put an end to the perpetual menace that has crippled our world today. The article also outlines an important factor that shows why racism won’t end soon, and how the African Americans are fueling the perpetuating racism act. Norton, M. I. , & Sommers, S. R. (2011). Whites see racism as a zero-sum game that they are now losing. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6(3), 215-218. Norton, M. I. , & Sommers, S. R. reveal the truth behind what whites really perceive as racism today and the effects of racism in a world that has moved way ahead of racism. The two authors go further to explain why racism among the whites is baseless and bears no real truth or inner meaning other than the fact that it is a social evil that once existed in the past. Okazaki, S. (2009). Impact of racism on ethnic minority mental health. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(1), 103-107. Okazaki explains the effects of racism on the mental health of the minority in the state. He also outlines some of the other non-health related mishaps that come as a result of social oppression. In his book, he states what would eventually happen if racism were to go on without showing any signs of ending soon. He however focuses on the effect this would have on the ethnic minority. Ornelas, I. J. , Amell, J. , Tran, A. N. , Royster, M. , Armstrong-Brown, J. , & Eng, E. (2009). Understanding African American men’s perceptions of racism, male gender socialization, and social capital through photovoice. Qualitative health research, 19(4), 552-565. This book tries to understand African American men’s perceptions of racism and the new trend of some African Americans feeling more racially discriminated than people of other races. It also highlights some of the reasons that lead to the prevalence of this notion among African Americans. Ornelas also explains why racism is a social evil that cannot be expelled overnight. Pieterse, A. L. , & Carter, R. T. (2010). The role of racial identity in perceived racism and psychological stress among Black American adults: Exploring traditional and alternative approaches. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40(5), 1028-1053. Pieterse, along with Carter seek to understand how racism is perceived by African American individuals aged over 21 years. Their book also strives to find the deeper meaning as to why racism is a bigger matter than we thought of it. It also explains reasons why getting rid of racism would be a great feat. RACISM 11 Shelby, T. (2009). We who are dark: The philosophical foundations of black solidarity. Harvard University Press. We who are dark tries to relive the African American history in an attempt to unite blacks. It emphasizes on the importance of dealing away with racism and living in unity as one big family. Shelby’s book also highlights the key differences between the perceptions of both whites and blacks with regard to racism. It also shows us how history has helped in cultivating black solidarity.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Comparison Of Different Waste Management Techniques Environmental Sciences Essay
Like incineration, gasification is a thermic procedure that uses high temperatures to interrupt down waste. It is still classed as incineration in the European Unions Waste Incineration Directive and has to run into the compulsory emanation bounds that it sets. Gasification is a procedure in which stuffs are exposed to some O, but non plenty to let burning to happen. The ensuing gas mixture of C monoxide, H and methane ( with smaller measures of C dioxide and N ) is called syngas and is itself a fuel. It has a calorific value so can be used as a fuel to bring forth electricity or steam or as a basic chemical feedstock in the petrochemical and refinement industries. The calorific value of the syngas will depend on the composing of the input waste waste to the gasifier. Both gasification and incineration are capable of change overing hydrocarbon-based risky stuffs to simple, nonhazardous by-products ( A Comparison of Gasification and Incineration of Hazardous Wastes Final Report Prepared for: U.S. Department of Energy March 30, 2000. There is non much indifferent informations available on gasification but the companies developing gasification claim the engineering has important advantages over traditional incineration of waste. These are as follows The procedure uses less oxygen significance that fewer air emanations may be produced incorporating possible pollutants. Less C dioxide is produced intending less impact on planetary clime alteration. Any C dioxide produced during gasification is present at much higher concentrations and at higher force per unit areas than in watercourses produced from conventional burning, doing them easier to capture ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The workss are are made up of little units ( modular ) which can be added to or taken off from as waste watercourses or volumes change ( e.g. with increased recycling in state ) and are hence more flexible and can run at a smaller graduated table than mass burn incinerators They are quicker to construct than conventional incinerators The procedures are claimed to bring forth a more utile merchandise than standard incineration that can be used as a fuel ( syngas ) The syngas may be used to bring forth energy more expeditiously, if a gas engine ( and potentially a fuel cell ) is used, while incineration can merely bring forth energy less expeditiously via steam turbines. ( Source – Eunomia Research and Consulting ( 2008 ) . Greenhouse gas balances of waste direction scenarios – study for the Greater London Authority ) .The syngas produced by gasification can be converted into many valuable merchandises, runing from electricity and steam to liquid fuels, basic chemicals, and H. Integration of multiple merchandises of gasification into industrial applications increases chances for added grosss The energy produced from gasification may be eligible for more Reclamations Obligations Certificates ( ROC ‘s ) than conventional incineration therefore increasing the possible income The treated fluke gas from an incinerator goes straight out into the ambiance. The treated syngas from the gasification works is used as a fuel in itself. When solid waste is incinerated one of the by merchandises is bottom ash which so has to be disposed of or treated and so disposed of depending on the content. When solid is processed in a gasifier, scoria is produced which can be can be sold, used as feedstock in chemical production processes, or recycled in other in-plant procedure operations. Sulfur compounds ( H2S and COS ) in the particulate-free syngas, usually a by-product of liquid gasification are typically removed and recovered utilizing conventional gas intervention engineerings from the refinery and natural gas industries. The ensuing by-product is high-purity liquid S which can so be sold and reused. ( A comparasion of gasification and incineration of risky wastes. Concluding Report. Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy. March 2000 ) Emission degrees of SOx, NOx, and particulate from gasification systems are reduced significantly compared to incineration systems. In an oxidative incineration environment, S and N compounds in the provender are converted to SOx and NOx. In contrast, syngas killing systems for modern gasification systems are designed to recover 95 to 99 % of the S in the fuel as a high-purity S by-product A comparasion of gasification and incineration of risky wastes. Concluding Report. Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy. March 2000 )The factors impacting the pick of bag filters or ESP in waste incinerators.Factor one: The type of waste being incinerated It all depends on what is being incinerated. . The features of the dust produced by the incineration plays a function in the pick as the combustibleness of some all right stuffs regulations out the usage of electrostatic precipitators. Bag filters are really efficient at roll uping all right particulates but non so good at big particulates so it depends on the merchandise of the incineration. ( Source Should I replace my Electrostatic Precipitator with a fabric filter, I. Fanthom, C. Cottingham. ) Most common ESP filtration is best used for ambient gaining control of light atmospheric dust. Unless a hob cleaning electrostatic precipitator is used, beginning gaining control or direct ducting from a heavy dust bring forthing incineration will rapidly make full up the aggregation plates. Heavy dust aggregation requires storage for a big volume of dust. The surface country of bag filters is much greater than surface country of electrostatic aggregation home bases and work better for dust gaining control of heavy dust bring forthing incineration than ESP would. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Factor two: Features of the airstream The features of the airstream can hold important impacts on the aggregator system. For illustration cotton cloth bag filters can non be used where air temperatures exceed 82 grades centigrade. Besides condensation of steam or H2O vapors can blind bags doing them uneffective. Assorted chemicals created in the airstream can respond with the H2O in the airstream and signifier caustic liquids such as sulfuric acid which can eat any metal in the bag i.e. if it is rearward jet bag filter with a metal coop. ESP ‘s can defy caustic stuff doing aggregation possible. The individual most of import factor act uponing the Elecrostatic precipitator is the electric resistance of the gas being caught. Fabric filters take dust from a gas watercourse by go throughing gas through a cloth and go forthing dust on the surface of the cloth. It is hence non sensitive to dust electric resistance. A fabric filter can work on emanation degrees of 10-20 mg/NM3 whereas an ESP needs to be sized to suit demands. Factor three – Cost With most designs of ESP ‘s they have to close the line down in order to keep them which incurs a cost. With most bag filters they can be changed online, non incurring a cost of closing down. The power ingestion utilizing a bag filter is higher than utilizing an ESP, evidently incurring more costs for more power. Bag filters need to be changed more often than an Electrostatic Precipitator. Typically bags need altering every 4 old ages. An ESP needs a full service every 20-30 old ages. Bag filters are extremely efficient and cost effectual due to the dust bar which is formed on the surface. ( ( Source Should I replace my Electrostatic Precipitator with a fabric filter, I. Fanthom, C. Cottingham. ) They can accomplish a aggregation efficiency of more than 99 % for really all right particulates. The ESP ‘s are more expensive to put in than the bag filters Dust tonss may be needed to be reduced before the Electrostatic Precipitation procedure ( precleaner may be needed ) hence adding to the cost. Factor four – Features of the dust. Hygroscopic ( i.e. a stuff which attracts wet from the ambiance. If non protected from contact with the ambiance ( by being stored under vacuity or under a dry gas ) some hygroscopic stuffs will finally pull so much H2O that they will organize solutions ) and these can blind bag filters doing them ineffective. Factor Five – Conformity with Environmental ordinances and jurisprudence. In 1990the Environmental protection Act ( EPA ) introduced Integrated Pollution Control ( IPC ) necessitating higher control of emanations in most industries. More late the waste Incineration Directive was introduced and has imposed important alterations on any procedure combustion waste stuffs. For illustration the entire emanation value for Cd is 0.05 mg/Nm3. ( Source the Waste Incineration Directive ) . Hence the type of intervention demands to be chosen in order to fulfill these ordinances. It will besides depend how near the waste incinerator is to edifices and the type of edifice i.e. is it near a residential country. Hence more ordinances need to be considered sing public wellness. Factor Six- Space How much infinite is at that place for the installings. ESP ‘s are larger than bag filters and therefore take up more infinite.Methods for cut downing heavy metals in landfill leachate.There are assorted methods for cut downing heavy metals in landfill leachate -biological, biodegredation utilizing anaerobiotic and aerophilic procedures and chemical and physical methods. One such biological intervention that has been investigated is utilizing vertiver grass ( N. Roongtanakiat, T.Nirunrach, S.Chanyotha, D. Hengchaovanich. Uptake of heavy metals in landfill leachate by vertiver grass ‘ Natural Science 37: 168-175. 2003 ) . They investigated the workss ability to uptake heavy metals from the leachate. The Surat ecotype vertiver workss were planted in pots and treated with landfill leachate. The vertiver grass took up more heavy metals as the strength of the leachate increased and the heavy metals were equally distributed in the shoot and the root. The consequences of the field test at the landfill site besides indicated that vertiver could be used in rehabilitating landfills and nearby countries. The vertiver workss were shown to decease after 80-85 yearss if 100 % leachate was used so they could non e straight used on immature landfills, but could be used on immature landfills if limited leachate were used. The shoot of the works should be harves ted sporadically in order to take the heavy metals from the contaminated dirt and to excite new growing for more consumption. Artificial wetlands combined with aerophilic interventions have besides been studied as a remotion method for heavy metals in leachate. The survey was undertaken at Alback landfill site in Sweden In 2003. ( Source – hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . The leachate intervention system consists foremost of an aeration measure, followed by several wetlands with different deepnesss and flora, intermediate commixture and aeration in a ditch, and eventually deposit in a pool. An approximative sum of 120,000 M3 of leachate base on ballss through the intervention stairss yearly. Leachate samples were collected at different phases along the intervention way during a period of two months and the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Zn, nickel, lead and Cr were studied. The leachate samples were filtered with three different membranes with different pore sizes. Lead and Cr could non be detected at all in the leachate. The entire rates of decrease in the whole wetland system for Cd, Cu , and Zn concentrations were on mean – 83 % 74 % and 68 % severally. Nickel passed unchanged through the wetlands. The largest sum of metals in the leachate was already reduced during the first few metres in the wetland system, provided by deposit and aeration. Consequences of fractional process indicate that Ni and copperoccurred chiefly complex-bound to humic substances. Which are difficult to entree automatically or biologically. Zinc occurs largely in different ionic signifiers or bonded to atoms in the H2O. Harmonizing to environmental quality standards for natural Waterss in Sweden controlled by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, metal concentrations in the treated leachate are low and give rise to no or small hazard of biological effects. Further betterment to the wetland system ‘s heavy metal remotion rates is likely limited since a big sum of the metals appear as composites, which are difficult to entree automatically or biologically. ( Source  œ Persson, K. M. , Van Praahg, M and Olsberg.G, E. ( 2007 ) Removal of Heavy Metallic elements From Landfill Leachate by an Artificial Wetland During a Nordic Autumn. In: Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 1-5 October 2007, S.Margherita di Pula – Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Aerobic intervention can be used where leachate is recirculated through the waste mass and air is injected into the waste mass. An probe by M.Sartaj, M. Ahmardifar, A.Karmi Jastini ‘ ( Assessment of unmoved aerophilic intervention of municipal landfill leachate at research lab degree – Persian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction B, Engineering. Vol 34 No.Bl. Pp107-116 2010 ) found that the remotion efficiency for Magnesium, Iron, Lead and Zinc was 93 % , 90 % , 43 % and 76 % severally. Leachate was collected in a container at the underside and pumped into another container at the top, from which leachate was recirculated back into the waste mass into which air was injected. Bacterias can be used to handle leachate for heavy metals. Bacterial floc on the on the leachate surviving in an aerated system with O degrees maintained above 5mg/l. The heavy metals are taken in by the bacteriums and incorporated into their cell biomass. ( Source – Arden Quarry Landfill – ) Chemical intervention is besides used – Three armored combat vehicles are used in which pH is adjusted, metal precipate atoms coagulate and are flocculated and foods are added to promote microbic growing The usage of ferric and ferrous oxides as coagulates separate and clot the heavy metals leting remotion. The usage of oxidizers such as H peroxide or K permanganate react with the heavy metals and pull them out of the leachate leting remotion. Simple pH accommodation of the leachate causes the heavy metals to precipitate from the leachate and therefore be removed. ( Source – ) Other methods include revolving biological contractors, drip filters, aerated lagunas, up flow anaerobic sludge cover reactors, chemical oxidization, surface assimilation, deposit, floatation, rearward osmosis and air denudation.Techniques for the separation of plastic types originating from municipal wastesPlastics can be separated by their rosin designation codification, a method of classification developed by the Society of the Plastics Industry in 168. See below Pet Polyethylene phenolphthalein – Fizzy drink bottles and oven-ready repast trays. HDPE High-density polythene – Bottles for milk and washing-up liquids. Polyvinyl chloride Polyvinyl chloride – Food trays, cleaving movie, bottles for squash, mineral H2O and shampoo.LDPE Low denseness polythene – Carrier bags and bin line drives. PP Polypropylene – Margarine bath, microwaveable repast trays. PS Polystyrene – Yoghurt pots, foam meat or fish trays, beefburger boxes and egg cartons, peddling cups, fictile cutter, protective packaging for electronic goods and playthings. OTHER Any other plastics that do non fall into any of the above classs. – An illustration is melamine, which is frequently used in plastic home bases and cups. ( Source hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The first point of separation can be at the clip of aggregation. The rosin codification is identified, as seen above, by a trigon formed by three trailing pointers with a figure indoors. This system allows segregation by what is desirable for a municipal recycling segregation system and what should non be included. Other types of separation include: DRY SEPARATION, utilizing the following techniques: Air classifiers -Air separation is used to divide different plastics, or even the same plastic, by the difference of the ratio between the surface of the flake and its mass. This is done by an air counter-flow, – an air flow lifts up plastics of light denseness material and the high denseness plastic corsets down utilizing gravitation. Mechanical classifiers -These are used on flakes of plastic and are largely used to divide flakes by size. Classifiers can be round, level, inclined, with slow or high frequence quivers etc. NIR ( Near Infrared Rays ) – These give a certain measure of energy to every individual piece of plastic and step the response ; this happens in footings of msecs. Its bound is the fact it can be used merely on crystalline points ( chiefly to screen PVC from PET bottles and flakes ) Laser spectral analysis -This penetrates the surface and steps emission spectra which depends upon heat capacity and thermic conduction so color does n't count. The response clip is long on this method so it is non mostly used. Polarized visible radiation -This used to look into differences of crystallinity and applies chiefly to the sorting of PVC from PET bottles but it can be used to screen any mixture of two plastics. UV light – This is used to divide polymers that exhibit different UV induced fluorescence. To human eyes, PET will remain clear while PVC turns black therefore this is a really common manner to manually screen bottles. Electrostatic separation is a system to pull or repel different plastics harmonizing to their charge.–WET SEPARATION, utilizing the following techniquesHydro cyclones heighten the difference of specific weight by centrifugal force, so seperating the plastics. It can be used on plastics of really similar weightsSink-float by preferable solvent soaking up is used when two polymers with same specific weight demand to be separated ; a dissolver ( intoxicant, ketone, etc ) makes one of the two lighter hence they can be separated. Hydrophobicity is the disfavor of H2O ; some polymers react in a different manner when traveling into H2O under certain conditions therefore separation becomes possible.Froth floatation means air bubbles attach to one solid advancing natation in a liquid and leave the other ( s ) to drop. Chemical Separation can besides be used including Hydrolysis, Glycolysis, hydroglycolysis .PyrolysisA new separation technique for assorted plastics using selective wetting features has been developed. The surface of specific plastics can be selectively changed from hydrophobic to hydrophilic by utilizing a wetting agent. Then, when little air bubbles are introduced into a separation cell, they adhere to the surface of the hydrophobic plastics and drift them to the H2O surface. The new separation technique is wholly different from conventional methods based on lone differences in denseness. Plastics with the same denseness can be separated by this procedure. The fictile centrifuge can be used for many intents: for dividing plastics from mixtures, riddance of foreign affair such as paper, fibres, aluminum foil, Cu wire french friess, sand, and glass from plastics ; elucidation of waste H2O incorporating all right rosin pulverization ; etc. ( Source K.Saitoh, I. Naguna, S.Izuni. ‘ New Separation technique for waste plastics. Central Research Laboratory, Mitsui Mining and Smelting Company. 1976 )
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