Monday, August 24, 2020
Canada and Mexicos Viewpoints of NAFTA :: Free Trade Agreements Foreign Affairs Essays
Canada and Mexico's Viewpoints of NAFTA At the point when the Canada/U.S. unhindered commerce understanding became effective, the Mexican's were dazzled by the arrangement and openings that opened for the two sides. Mexico at that point moved toward the U.S., looking to shape a comparable concurrence with them. This delivered another issue in Canada, should they let Mexico and the U.S. structure an understanding without them? Or on the other hand should they take an interest, consequently changing their arrangement with the U.S. into a trilateral understanding including Mexico. Â Â Â Â Â On June 12, 1991, the exchange pastors of Canada, the United States and Mexico met in Toronto to open dealings for a North American Free Trade Understanding (NAFTA). This was a noteworthy event. Unexpectedly, a creating nation consented to plunk down with two modern nations to make an understanding that would open its economy to full rivalry with the other two nations. In the event that fruitful, the understanding vowed to make the entire North American landmass into one financial zone and set a significant point of reference for exchange and monetary collaboration between the affluent nations of the North and less created nations of the South. The test before them was both energizing and overwhelming. Â Â Â Â Â A minimal over a year later, the three exchange clergymen met again in Washington, to put the completing addresses another North American Free Trade Understanding. In a little more than a year the arbitrators from the three nations had effectively met the test and set up another exchanging outline work for North America. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was set to be inferred. Â Â Â Â Â The North American Free Trade Agreement frequently brings up issues with respect to the new financial exchanging coalitions around the globe. The twelve-country European Network (EC), a Central American unhindered commerce zone, and a four-country South American gathering, just as fundamental conversations in regards to an Asian exchanging coalition, all point to the way that new monetary real factors as of now exist. NAFTA vows to majorly affect the individuals in each of the three countries. There will clearly be transient expenses of modification, which will positively hit a few ventures, areas, and laborers harder than others. There will be unmistakable champs in the understanding, and positive failures in the understanding. There even may be debates. Regardless of whether as laborers, speculators, purchasers, or normal residents in each of the three nations they might be influenced. The last decision on the North American Free Trade Agreement, may in truth not completely be acknowledged for some weeks, months, or even years. Be that as it may, in the accompanying paper, the preferences to both Mexico and Canada will be broke down, just as the disservices to Mexico. It is protected to state that the preferences plainly exceed the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Story of an Hour and The Hand Essay -- Comparative, Kate Chopin
The â€Å"Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin and ‘†The Hand†by Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette are comparable in subject and setting. Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette and Kate Chopin make the subject of mandatory love and the misery it involves. The two stories outline the covered feelings numerous ladies feel in their marriage yet neglect to communicate them. The two stories occur in a consecrated room of the house and both come to pass in a short measure of time. The contrasts between the two stories are seen through the author’s selection of characters in every story. In â€Å"The story of an Hour†Kate Chopin includes different characters in Mrs. Mallard’s life, though, â€Å"The Hand†manages marriage and fellowship and just includes the couple. Imagery is seen all through â€Å"The Hand†not so in ‘The Story of an Hour.†The likenesses in â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and â€Å"The Hand†is depicted in topic and setting. The distinctions are outlined in the selection of characters engaged with every story and the measure of imagery portrayed in the various stories. â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and â€Å"The Hand†is comparative in setting. The two stories happen in a house and happen for the most part in the room, which is viewed as a consecrated room in the house. It's anything but a fortuitous event that the two stories occur in a house, since a woman’s place is accepted to be in the home. Women’s significant job in marriage is to serve her better half, bring forth his youngsters, and make his home a lovely spot to come back to toward the day's end. A lady is denied numerous opportunities and rights and is relied upon to submit to the fantasies of men and society. The two stories unfold in a short timeframe. The occasions in the ‘Story of an Hour†create in only one hour from start to finish. Mrs. Mal... ... by it. This is emblematic of her marriage which began as upbeat and alluring and in such a brief timeframe she questions her adoration for him and begins to consider him to be unwanted and creature like. Ladies are apprehensive not to submit to the male species in dread of losing what they have and not having the option to make it all alone. â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and â€Å"The Hand†the two has amazing similitudes and contrasts. They share a typical subject of ladies and marriage and the penances they make for their family. The setting in the two stories is huge to comprehend the job of ladies several years prior. The imagery depicted in â€Å"The Hand†is about connections and marriage. At the point when a relationship is new and everything is magnificent there are no feelings of trepidation or second thoughts. As time passes by even the most alluring characteristics in somebody will start to be an inconvenience instead of a delight.
Causes of Chieftaincy Disputes in Africa and How to Deal with Them Essays
Reasons for Chieftaincy Disputes in Africa and How to Deal with Them Essays Reasons for Chieftaincy Disputes in Africa and How to Deal with Them Essay Reasons for Chieftaincy Disputes in Africa and How to Deal with Them Essay The constitution of Ghana characterizes a boss in article 277 as. In the Chapter except if the setting in any case requires, boss methods an individual, who, hailing from the proper family and heredity has been legitimately designated ,chosen or chose and enstooled, enskinned or introduced as a boss or sovereign mother as per the significant standard law and use. Chieftaincy as a significant social foundation which ties the individuals together is loaded with various questions. Chieftaincy questions are the misconception, that happens between at least two divisions on the enstoolment or enskinment of a boss or the misconception between an occupant boss and a portion of his subjects. A few reasons for chieftaincy questions are. At the point when two families are guaranteeing the privilege to a stool or a skin. In conventions where chieftaincy goes through various families there is probably going to be a chieftaincy debates that will emerge between the families. This is in custom where there are various imperial families to acquire the seat. Its necessitates that when the main bites the dust the following family is to acquire the seat and it goes through all the families in a similar way. In any case, in specific cases the decision family will need to keep governing as opposed to permitting different families to lead as customs request. Questions emerge since the remainder of the families believe isn't right for just a single family to manage all the occasions. The Ashanti’s rule from these various imperial families. Another reason for chieftaincy questions is when stool lands rented or offered to organizations or people for cash which goes into the boss own pocket. At the point when stool lands are sold or rented the individuals anticipate that the boss should utilize these monies for productively business that will makes occupations and different exercises to the town to improve Standard of living. By and large the boss uses the people groups monies for his own benefits. Debates emerge when the individuals notice that their assets are being abused. Illegitimate determination of tenant to the stool or skin by kingmakers and sovereign mother. This reason for chieftaincy debates emerges when an improper tenant impacts the lord creators and sovereign moms with monies and different things to convince them to enstool or enskin him as a boss. The lord creators and sovereign others utilizes nepotism to choose inhabitant to administer as boss which ought not to be done as such. The constitution requires a boss to be enstooled or enskinned as per the standard laws and utilization, so when an unjust individual is enstooled is cause chieftaincy debates. At the point when an occupant boss causes the dismay of his subjects through theft and misappropriation of the people groups reserves. Another reason for chieftaincy debates is the point at which the occupant boss steals and abuses the assets of the people groups . The boss is required to utilize monies raised from the festivals of celebrations and different exercises for formative tasks like the structure of socials conveniences e. g. schools, commercial center and so on to improve the way of life of his kin. In any case, for this situation most boss don't think about these things yet go to steal and abuse the people’s reserves. At the point when the individuals likewise discharge that the boss isn't setting out on formative tasks or utilize the assets for beneficially gains on the individuals. The individuals may likewise defy the boss and this may realize chieftaincy questions. Boss getting totalitarian and takes one-sided choice on issues, may likewise prompts chieftaincy question. The boss unify forces and position to himself. It reason for existing is to accomplish high profitability in his decision which ought not to be so . The boss doesn't includes his kin in dynamic procedures. The people groups don’t have a said in any choice taken by the boss and once in a while can't help contradicting boss and his dictatorial nature since there is an expression that ‘two heads are superior to one†. The individuals will need to be include in dynamic thus may revolt when they are not associated with the dynamic procedure and in this manner rebels when conditions gets painful on their side. In controlling these various reasons for chieftaincy questions, the accompanying techniques ought to be followed. Kingmakers and sovereign moms should choose up-and-comers who are qualified and have the help of most of the individuals. Qualify people are to be chosen by kingmakers and sovereign moms to acquire the boss as per the standard laws of the terrains. These people are to experience the vital courses of action and have the help from most of the individuals in support of him. For this situation the individuals know the tenant and even help him as the decision head of their town. Boss are to utilize the people’s assets for formative ventures in the town. boss should looks comforts that the individuals needs and set up them. In the reason for doing this the individuals will corporate well with the boss and ere will be a decent connection between the individuals and their boss. Products illustrious families must permit the chieftaincy to run starting with one family then onto the next. In doing and assembling these practices chieftaincy questions will be tackled and harmony will reign in our nation.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cultural Interview Free Essays
My social meeting was with a collaborator, 28 years old and of Hispanic plummet. While directing the meeting I took in a great deal about the Hispanic culture. Numerous Hispanics like to be called Latino (a). We will compose a custom exposition test on Social Interview or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now Some don't care to be alluded to as Mexican when they are from different nations other than Mexico. Hispanics additionally use slang inside their way of life simply like African Americans. Inside the way of life the male is the predominant player in the family. All the choices that influence the family experience the dad. On the off chance that there is no dad in the house, the most seasoned child satisfies that job. The more established child may drop out of school with the goal that they may help the mother at the house without the dad. Numerous Hispanics ordinarily wed genuinely youthful and begin to raise a family. At the point when they get more established they for the most part don't wed, however live respectively like a couple. The normal number of individuals inside the family is 7 including the mother and father. The mother is generally the parental figure and remains at home to take care of the kids. The most established little girl steps in and enables the mother to out at whatever point she can. The grandparents are viewed as the subsequent mother and father. Their cousins are viewed as an augmentation of their kin. My interviewee has 2 siblings who she is exceptionally near. On the off chance that her siblings advise her to accomplish something even at age 28 she truly ensures she follows their orders. Her mom is separated from her dad, however he despite everything has a functioning impact in her and her brothers’ life. The connection between the mother and father is still close despite the fact that they are not hitched. The connection between the mother’s new sweetheart and ex is exceptionally friendly and aware trying to keep up a cherishing and positive condition for their family. The Hispanic family is active and likes to have a fabulous time. Typically they have many assembling and welcome companions, family and stretched out individuals to these capacities. Drinking is viewed as a get-together at these social affairs. My interviewee felt that her family was like different families inside the Hispanic culture. Their family got together every open door they could. They had numerous customary things they did as a family, for example, a social event of family consistently for her grandmother’s demise, however as a festival. Consistently on Christmas Eve her family would likewise attract together to trade presents at various relative’s ouses. The interviewee expressed this turned into a custom for her family in light of the fact that the wedded individuals in the family needed to go to celebrations at their spouses’ family members. English and Spanish are both spoken in the Hispanics family units. Most of the more seasoned individuals from t he family just communicate in Spanish. My interviewee expressed that she didn't have a clue how to communicate in Spanish, however her mom did and easily. She expressed that her mom has consistently revealed to her that she had to know Spanish since that was her legacy, yet she never felt it extremely vital. The Hispanic culture commends the transitioning which is known as a 15 or Quinceaneras. The Quinceanernas is typically a major creation for the young ladies. The young ladies have escorts and dress in a proper sort dance hall dress and have huge numbers of her companions and family members there for the festival. My interviewee expressed that she didn't have a Quinceaneras in light of the fact that she didn't generally get into it. She likewise expressed that she got pregnant and didn't need her folks to go through such cash for the festival. The young men then again don't go all out with this kind of festivity, however rather celebrate at their homes with companions. The Hispanic perspective on interracial dating is distinctive among the families. As a rule, the most established individuals from the family don't concur with interracial relationships and are defensive. The more youthful age feels you ought to be glad and it doesn't make a difference the ethnicity of the individual. On the off chance that they are associated with an interracial relationship, at that point they float more to one sort of ethnicity. My interviewee expressed that she dated generally African Americans. She likewise expressed that her family was somewhat hesitant to this circumstance, however in the long run came around as long as she was cheerful. Despite the fact that one of her siblings was companions with the person, he was likewise reluctant for her to date the African American person. She expressed when her sibling truly understood that she truly like the person he approved of it. She expressed her family was extremely just worried about her joy and prosperity, therefore making it alright to look past shading. This culture has faith in working professionally. Hispanics are diligent employees and will take the necessary steps to flexibly their family needs. My interviewee expressed that her dad worked in a printing organization and he has worked their since he was 17 years of age. She expressed her mom didn't need to work, however rather remained at home and was a housewife. Hispanics include longitivity inside their profession. The normal field for these laborers is development laborers. Hispanic men are known to do tasks that include physical work, for example, cutting yards, vehicle technician, or laying tile. The Hispanic ladies are known to accomplish household type work, for example, looking after children, administration, or food administration. Training is critical to the Hispanic culture despite the fact that many don't proceed to finish advanced education. The more youthful kin are pushed to get decent training by their more seasoned siblings and sisters. The more youthful age at some point have a â€Å"I don’t care â€Å"mind outline and don’t set forth the exertion into their instruction. They either commit their opportunity to going to class or attempting to accommodate the family. My interviewee went on to school to seek after a profession in training. She didn't finish this undertaking since she expected to find a new line of work to help bolster her kid. Her siblings and mom kept on supporting her in her choices, yet favored her to proceed with her training. The transcendent religion inside the Hispanic culture is Roman Catholic. Inside this religion they should admit their wrongdoings to cleric and go to confession booths. The individuals from this religion go to chapel on Sunday’s just as different occasions consistently. During their chapel gatherings, food is served when the administration. My interviewee expressed that she attends administrations, yet not all the time. Religion is essential to her family regardless of the way that she doesn't go to reliably. The individual I talked with felt that inside her way of life it is critical to be fruitful and be deferential. Somewhat this desire is followed in light of the fact that many own their own organizations. They likewise are extremely affectionate and have regard for one another due to their race. She was generally glad for the way that they remained together. Additionally another pleased second for her was that they didn’t mind placing in difficult work to accommodate the family. A few things that she might want to change would be the contribution in groups and brutal conduct. Another change that she might want to make would be the generalizations related with them. She expressed Hispanics men were seen as having handkerchiefs folded over their head, continually calling each other â€Å"ese†and all associated with packs. She expressed that the ladies are viewed as constantly pregnant with 5-10 children and one in transit. My interviewee felt that the best test in front of her way of life was getting an advanced education. She felt that her way of life required more people to go to class and get that Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate certificate. While directing this meeting I felt entirely agreeable in light of the fact that the individual was a collaborator and I was use to partner with Hispanics. A considerable lot of the things that were uncovered were not new to me since I have related with this race on an assortment of levels. The data acquired helped me further comprehend this culture. When advising with understudies of Hispanic plunge it is helpful to realize that since regard is essential to them, I would need to pick up their trust to be valuable. While meeting my associate I understand that her way of life was fundamentally the same as mines. Directing somebody inside the Hispanic culture doesn’t appear to represent any issues for me on account of this association. I intend to utilize my insight and moral lead where as not to make any inclinations. The most effective method to refer to Cultural Interview, Papers Social meeting Free Essays Adriana would respond to specific points/questions and this made me worried about leading the meeting. I was apprehensive that she may feel defenseless about her hearing hindrance since she is a private person. She was mocked in school and didn't have numerous companions. We will compose a custom exposition test on Social meeting or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now I was uninformed if Adriana would maintain a strategic distance from questions or become passionate about her adolescence. I was likewise anxious about referencing her nationality and on the off chance that she felt that she had encountered prejudice. I stayed sympathetic and nonjudgmental all through the whole meeting. Adriana is as of now a 33-year-old Mexican American left gave female with a consultation handicap. She at present has no meeting in her correct ear and has just 10% in her left ear. She has two listening devices and can convey by understanding lips, content informing, and by email. She can't impart using a phone. She has been bilingual (Spanish and English) since the time of around five. Adriana lost the greater part of hearing at seven years old since she was burdened with polio. She referenced that she was wiped out for a week and was never hospitalized. She experienced high fevers and lost most of her hearing through the span of an eek. She went from having the option to hear the peeping ofa feathered creature to just having the option to hear muted voices! She got portable hearing assistants around two we
Monday, July 20, 2020
Dress to Impress How to Dress for an Interview
Dress to Impress How to Dress for an Interview How to Dress for an Interview How to Dress for an Interview Job interviews can be stressful; they’re 15-minutes to an hour strictly dedicated on being judged off of your qualifications, education, experience, personality, and yesâ€"your looks. This doesn’t mean that beauty trumps brains, but it does mean that employers want to see you dressed a certain way that reflects their organization. In fact, 59.9% of employers know within the first 15 minutes of an interview whether or not they will make a hire. This of course will depend on the job field, but here are some basic guidelines to dressing for an interview. Shower This one may sound obvious but it’s a crucial to smell good for an interview. This does not mean you should douse yourself in cologne or perfumeâ€"in fact, you’re better off avoiding that altogether as some employers promote scent-free environments. However, washing your hair and body to ensure you are fresh-faced and radiant will surely shine through. After all, when you feel good you perform better! Comb Your Hair Employers will look to make sure that you appear professional and polished. This is where the fine details come into play; combing your hair, shaving, brushing your teeth, removing cracked nail polish and applying a fresh coat are all grooming techniques that should be addressed where applicable. For women, be careful with makeup application and try to appear more natural than you would for a night out. After all, if you do get this job you will need to maintain the appearance you had during your interview so you want to create an image that is easy to replicate on a daily basis. Adhere to the Dress Code The tricky thing about dressing for a job interview is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario. For example, an interview as a driver for a trucking and logistics company will look a lot different than an interview for an administrative assistant at a big office. The most important thing in mind is to remember to look as professional as possible given the position you are interviewing for. If it’s a “business casual†dress code then be sure to dress more on the business side of things and keep the casualness to a minimum. If the dress code is strictly casual, then dark, fitted jeans with a plain collared shirt is appropriate as well. Now, if you are unsure of the dress code, simply ask! Employers often don’t mind and will actually like that you’re taking the time to ask about their work culture and environment. There is no worse feeling than showing up for a job interview and immediately realizing you don’t fit in. Taking the time to prepare for an interview will pay off in the long run, and this includes how you look. You only get to make a first impression once, so make sure you appear to be what employers are looking for. Now, the tough part is actually landing the interview in the first place, so check out our tips for sending the best possible job application. Dress to Impress How to Dress for an Interview How to Dress for an Interview How to Dress for an Interview Job interviews can be stressful; they’re 15-minutes to an hour strictly dedicated on being judged off of your qualifications, education, experience, personality, and yesâ€"your looks. This doesn’t mean that beauty trumps brains, but it does mean that employers want to see you dressed a certain way that reflects their organization. In fact, 59.9% of employers know within the first 15 minutes of an interview whether or not they will make a hire. This of course will depend on the job field, but here are some basic guidelines to dressing for an interview. Shower This one may sound obvious but it’s a crucial to smell good for an interview. This does not mean you should douse yourself in cologne or perfumeâ€"in fact, you’re better off avoiding that altogether as some employers promote scent-free environments. However, washing your hair and body to ensure you are fresh-faced and radiant will surely shine through. After all, when you feel good you perform better! Comb Your Hair Employers will look to make sure that you appear professional and polished. This is where the fine details come into play; combing your hair, shaving, brushing your teeth, removing cracked nail polish and applying a fresh coat are all grooming techniques that should be addressed where applicable. For women, be careful with makeup application and try to appear more natural than you would for a night out. After all, if you do get this job you will need to maintain the appearance you had during your interview so you want to create an image that is easy to replicate on a daily basis. Adhere to the Dress Code The tricky thing about dressing for a job interview is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all scenario. For example, an interview as a driver for a trucking and logistics company will look a lot different than an interview for an administrative assistant at a big office. The most important thing in mind is to remember to look as professional as possible given the position you are interviewing for. If it’s a “business casual†dress code then be sure to dress more on the business side of things and keep the casualness to a minimum. If the dress code is strictly casual, then dark, fitted jeans with a plain collared shirt is appropriate as well. Now, if you are unsure of the dress code, simply ask! Employers often don’t mind and will actually like that you’re taking the time to ask about their work culture and environment. There is no worse feeling than showing up for a job interview and immediately realizing you don’t fit in. Taking the time to prepare for an interview will pay off in the long run, and this includes how you look. You only get to make a first impression once, so make sure you appear to be what employers are looking for. Now, the tough part is actually landing the interview in the first place, so check out our tips for sending the best possible job application.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Compare and Contrast Traditional and Modern Families - Free Essay Example
Faouzi NOURI-GIRONES CIT 071807 Compare and contrast traditional and modern families Since the nineteenth century, in the western societies, family patterns changed under the forces of industrialisation and urbanisation. Another factor which has been involved in those changes is the growing intervention of the state, by legislative action, in the domestic affairs of the family. As a result of these trends, the modern â€Å"nuclear†family has been substituted for the traditional extended family. The increase of values such as individualism and egalitarism has influenced the patterns of modern family. Although traditional and modern families share similarities in terms of constitutional concept and milieu of love and care, they have several differences in term of family size and gender roles. Traditional and modern families share similarities in terms of constitutional concept. As the traditional family was, modern family is still on institutional component of western societies. In other words, both are a â€Å"unit structure†or â€Å"basic organism†of which society is composed. As an institution, traditional and modern families similarly have to complete functions such as procreation and socialization of children. For example, even though the modern family has decreased in size, it is still the common environment where children are born; receive a moral education, where their tendencies are disciplined and where their aspirations are encouraged. Therefore, to reassure the pessimist sociologist of the early twentieth century, family evolution has not lead to desinstitutionalization. Another similarity between traditional and modern families is that both are a favourable milieu for love and care. As it was in the traditional family there is in the modern family a formidable tie between husband and wife, which springs from an elective affinity and symbolises love. In the warmness of the family this love spreads amid the children who tend to experience it in their adult life. In addition, in the traditional families the mother usually bore the sole responsibility of the child caring. Modern parents now share this responsibility together because of social and work constraints. However, holidays which are not common in the traditional family, allow them to spend quality time with their children. Moreover in many modern families the father becomes a house worker, to provide for the needs of his children. As the statistics shown in the United Kingdom in 2001, 155 000 fathers were stay home husbands. All in all, the emphasis on nurturing children can be seen in traditional and modern families, alike. Apart from the similarities mentioned above, traditional and modern families have several differences in the areas of family size and gender roles. One major difference between the traditional and modern family is the decrease in family size. The traditional family tends to be extended with three or more generations in the same household because it provides a strong union between its members. Another reason for a large household is that usually farming was the principal economic activity of the family 1 members. In contrast, the modern family household contains two generations, parents and dependants children. Unlike the traditional family the modern family lives in small houses due to the fact that big houses are expensive and also because modern families usually live in cities. In addition the modern mothers use contraceptive medicine to reduce the chance to have babies whereas traditional mothers did not use birth control. Statistics from the National Office show that the average number of children by women born in 1934 decreased from 2. 46 to 1. 76 for women born in mid 1980’s. To sum up, the migration of the family to the cities, financial constraint and birth control contributed to the decrease in family seize. Another difference is the shift which occurred in the role of male and female within the transition from traditional to modern family. In the traditional family the male was dominant; he was the breadwinner, the sole financial provider to the family. In part related to this, the women were dependant on her husband. In fact, she had to obey not only her husband but also the other males living in the household. Conversely, in the modern family there are equal rights between male and female, as women has the right to enter the workforce and be financially independent. Therefore, the commitment of women in the economic affairs of the family has contributed to set up a mutual respect in the modern family. Furthermore, in the modern family fathers are no longer the authoritarian leaders, very often they discuss with their family before making important decision. As a result owing to the change in gender role, there has been a great improvement in the relationship between modern family members. To conclude, although, traditional and modern families differ in many areas such as family size, division of responsibilities of labour between the sexes; they share more than one common universal institutional concept. Furthermore, their similarity as an environment of love and caring as much as the differences above are the produce of societies advances. Therefore, there is no reason for people to think that family evolution is declining Word count: 839 2
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Essay examples
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is slowly becoming better known all over the world. CAM encompasses various types of therapies, such as yoga, reflexology, chiropractic therapy, herbal therapy, ayurveda, meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. The evidenced-based research, recognition of disconnect between patients and also the positive and negative aspects of CAM modalities are reasons behind the increased attention it has gained in medicals schools all over the United States. (Hart, 2009, p. 287). The major concern behind CAM is that it covers a rather broad range of therapies, most of which have not been able to establish any proper scientific basis. This results in a lot of objection from the†¦show more content†¦The popular forms of CAM that most students actually want to get trained in are yoga, acupuncture, chiropractic and herbal therapies. Yoga is a very popular form of alternative medicine all over the world. It is a mind-body medicine for many all individuals. Although some types of CAM do not make a pure effort to test the validity of what they do, yoga has brought many positive benefits to most practicing individuals. Similarly, acupuncture and chiropractic therapies have also seen good results with their patients. Many other forms of CAM, which have no proof on their legitimacy and evidence of constructive results such as shamanism, palmistry and physic healing are trying to get the consumer protection laws that need these proposed services to be able to p rove that their methods are effective before they market it to the unknowing consumers. (Trask, 2010, s.2, 3). Hart also argues that there are various rigorous academic peer-reviews on these therapies and just by naming it as CAM it takes away their legitimacy. ( as cited in Low Dog, Tieraona, 2009) Adding to my previous point on yoga, true alternative medicine, combined with conventional medicine will give a more holistic approach in terms of dealing with a patient’s condition. Similarly, it will improve medicine overall. These implementations, need to be done from the learning years. This way doctors, will be able to mold itShow MoreRelatedComplementary Medicine And Alternative Medicine1556 Words  | 7 PagesWHO, The terms complementary medicine or alternative medicine are used interchangeably with traditional medicine in some countries. They refer to a broad set of health care practices that are not part of that country s own tradition and are not integrated into the dominant health care system. It is also referred to as complementary or traditional medicine. Use of complementary medicine practices alongside modern medicine, while using alternative medicine instead of modern medicine practices. 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Some people think that CAM should not be allowed. They think it is very dangerous. However, some people think that you should be able to do whatever it is you want toRead MoreComplementary And Alternative Medicine Systems761 Words  | 4 PagesNontraditional Healthcare According to WebMd, Nontraditional Healthcare is referred to as CAM (Webmd).CAM is an abbreviation for complementary and alternative medicine, and refers to medical and healthcare ideas that are not considered a conventional medical treatment. Although a lot of the therapies and techniques have been around for centuries, it is not considered conventional because there is not enough satisfactory evidence of success and safety. A recent study showed that nearly 40 percentRead MoreComplementary And Alternative Medicine ( Cam )1105 Words  | 5 PagesAbstract: Although allopathic medicine or termed Western medicine is more widely accepted than complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) it has only started to emerge since the 1800s. Complementary and alternative modalities have been around for thousands of years, and for some can be found on cave drawings. As allopathic medicine has different modalities, so does complementary and alternative medicine such as: acupuncture, traditi onal Chinese medicine, aromatherapy and massage to name a fewRead MoreComplementary And Alternative Medicine Essay1913 Words  | 8 PagesComplementary and Alternative Medicine Homeopathy Introduction. Homeopathy has been practiced for hundreds of years and people are still confused on what homeopathy actually entails. Presented below is a crash course on 5 different aspects of this unique and mind blowing complementary and alternative medicine: Origin and Historical Use, Healing Philosophy and Mechanism, Biomedical Interpretations, Common Indications, and Associated Risks and Costs. All factors shall give one a better interpretationRead MoreComplementary And Alternative Medicine Or Cam1431 Words  | 6 Pages Complementary and alternative medicine or CAM is â€Å"a large and diverse set of systems of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention based on philosophies and techniques other than those used in conventional Western medicine, often derived from traditions of medical practice used in other (non-Western) cultures. Such practices may be described as alternative that is, existing as a body separate from and as a replacement for conventional Western medici ne, or complementary, that is, used in additionRead MoreComplementary And Alternative Medicine ( Cam )1337 Words  | 6 PagesComplementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is something that is becoming increasingly popular among individuals. CAM is better summarized as â€Å"diagnosis, treatment and/or prevention complements mainstream medicine by contributing to a common whole, by satisfying a demand not met by orthodoxy or by diversifying the conceptual frameworks of medicine†(Ernst and Fugh-Berman). Explained further, when faced with medical issues, individuals often seek conventional medicine. However, there are those whoRead MoreComplementary And Alternative Medicine ( Cam )985 Words  | 4 PagesTherapeutic Modalities Paper Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is important in todays’ health care for researchers, practitioners, and consumers. Society should be aware of the safety of taking herbs, therapies, and any health topics. The CAM website can be a useful website to research information that a person wants to gain background on. In the following paper, I will give definitions of alternative, complementary, integrative medicine, conventional medicine role, CAMs philosophy, fiveRead MoreComplementary and Alternative Medicines Essay914 Words  | 4 PagesComplementary and Alternative Medicines Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are medicines that are not considered conventional medicine. Conventional Medicine is also known as Western Medicine and is often practice by medical professional like medical doctors, nurses and therapist. The boundaries between CAM and conventional medicine are not fixed, and because CAM has recently become more accepted, the treatment combination of CAM and conventional medicine increased and the boundaries
Monday, May 18, 2020
Reconciliation and New Beginnings - 801 Words
Mahatma Gandhi once said, â€Å"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong†. Reconciling with someone is one of the hardest things a person can do. Throughout Bill Clintons book Giving, he discusses cases where reconciling/forgiving someone is important, along with giving those who wronged a new beginning. However it’s a hard thing to do, to completely let go of something painful and forgive the person who may or may not realize what they did. Nelson Mandela served 27 years in prison for plotting to overthrow the corrupt state, known as apartheid, in South Africa. Years after his release, he was elected as the 1st president of South Africa. Mandela, â€Å"invited the men who guarded him in jail to his inauguration, put leaders who had supported apartheid in his cabinet, and set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to give people who had committed crimes during the apartheid era the chance to avoid imprisonment by confessing†(Clinton 89). Mandela was a man who really understood reconciling. He knew that even if someone did something wrong, they did deserve a fresh start. In addition to reconciliation, one of the most amazing efforts are those taking place in Rwanda. â€Å"In 1994, killers from the Hutu majority slaughtered 800,000 Tutsis and their Hutu sympathizers in ninety days†(Clinton 96). Today if one were to travel to Rwanda like Clinton, they would witness Hutus and Tutsis living side by side in villages. The president of Rwanda, Paul Kagame,Show MoreRelatedForgive and Forget Essay883 Words  | 4 Pageswith his king, reconciliation with his enemies, and complete acceptance of his fate. The quarrel that incites Achilles anger is never resolved but is instead put into the past by a compromise with Agamemnon. Achilles anger over the death of Patrokolus rages until the death and disgrace of Hector. Only through avenging his fallen comrade can Achilles accept his fate and quell his fury. After the disgrace of Hector and the ransoming of his body, a complete and meaningful reconciliation between PriamRead MoreMedication Reconciliatio n Is The Process Of Gathering All The Medications901 Words  | 4 PagesMedication reconciliation Mediation reconciliation is the process of gathering all the medications, including over the counter meds, herbal supplements, and multivitamins a patient is taking regarding their care. Within the parameters of mediation reconciliation, dosage, frequently, name,and route are the prime factors of developing a medication regimen. The goal of knowing all medications of a patient before continuing with care or being admitted to specialized settings like hospitals or clinicsRead More Exploring the Themes of Forgiveness and Reconciliation in The Tempest by William Shakespeare1419 Words  | 6 PagesExploring the Themes of Forgiveness and Reconciliation in The Tempest by William Shakespeare Prospero is a character that seems to stand at the very centre of The Tempest. Throughout the play, he prompts most of the action, and he has the last word. The entire plot of the play is a scheme designed by Prospero to bring his rivals to a state of regret so that he can pardon them and restore the rightful order of things to his dukedom of Milan. As Prospero is seen as being all-powerful over theRead MoreProposed Accounting Standard Update Topic 2051183 Words  | 5 PagesFinancial Statements (Topic 205): Reporting Discontinued Operations†proposes changes to items classified as discontinued operations, held for sale, and broadens disclosures for any discontinued operations that would fall outside of the new classification. The new guideline lessens the amount of disposal transactions that would qualify for the discontinued operation reporting. Specifically, under ASC 205-20-45-1, the following definitions will be eliminated: †¢ â€Å"The operations and cash flows of theRead MoreMidsummer Nights Dream Essay1485 Words  | 6 Pagesamongst each other. In Midsummer Nights Dream by Shakespeare the confusion of love relationships mixes up each persons views of one another, but in the end everyone is rejoined and the loves are once again in their right place. All confusion, reconciliation, and celebration are used in each scene to create problems, but then find a solution. During the play, confusion is one of the major occurrences between all of the characters. The confusion between each of them, creates problems and makes theRead MorePersonal Narrative Essay : The Parable Of The Good Samaritan1176 Words  | 5 Pagesolder and changed churches based on my new location in town, I was confronted by people of different races and ethnicities. I am in a continuous search for reality of race in America, and I am eager to expand my idea of who my neighbors are and who I am to my neighbors. Since coming to Taylor, it seems like I learn a new side of God every day. The most recent addition to my extending list of God’s traits is that He is a God of reconciliation. In His beginning steps of restoring our relationship withRead MoreReconciliation Between Trauma And Healing And Reconciliation1501 Words  | 7 PagesThere is an interactive linkage between trauma healing and reconciliation. The beginning of healing is generally considered to enhance the possibility of reconciliation, while reconciliation furthers the possibility of healing. The processes of reconciliation and healing actually appear to be cyclical and reinforce each other, from one generation to the next, ultimately contributing to the prevention of future violence. First, reconciliation processes can be demanding both cognitively and emotionallyRead MoreThe Changing Nature of Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal Relations in Australia from 1946-2000933 Words  | 4 PagesAboriginal population has suffer ed in terms of status, wealth, health and sense of identity. Although there have been steps towards reconciliation there is still a long way to go until Indigenous Australians enjoy the same status as non-indigenous Australians. A referendum was made in 1967, it was a hallmark in Aboriginal history. It was the beginning of the righting of the wrongs that had been committed against the Australian indigenous population since the arrival of whiteRead MoreThe Apartheid Of South Africa s Apartheid System Became A National Memory1706 Words  | 7 Pagescritical to the country’s ability to move forward. It is noted that reconciliation is impossible if a society wants to remain ignorant about its past. According to Hamber, â€Å"when countries are attempting to overcome a violent past, it is better to deal with the past through investigations, truth recovery, justice, and support for victims and survivors of violence than to ignore it.†Furthermore, all the literature on reconciliation says that if the truth is ignored it can breed resentment and createRead MoreMethods that Smith and Jones Could Have Used to Steal $34 million in Cash over 12 Years under KOSSs Internal Control System953 Words  | 4 Pagesindicative of skimming. The wire transfers and checks transactions when posted to the bank accounts are historical and should be identified as part of the reconciliation process. The case states, ...many account reconciliations were either not prepared or were not maintained as part of Koss’s accounting records. To the extent that reconciliations were conducted, they were improperly performed by the same persons who initiated or recorded the transactions (i.e. Sachdeva or Mulvaney) †¢ Not identified
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Best Vacation San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico Essay
A marvelous weekend in December of 2006 had gone by in San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico. San Felipe is an attractive beach town with numerous activities and breathtaking views. My family and I enjoyed juicy mangos on the sandy beach, the best fresh and crispy fish tacos under tons of surrounding palm trees, and other seafood that was recently fished out of the warm ocean. The food was great, but the activities were even better. Banana rides, parasailing, and jet skiing were among the best activities that I had ever experienced. The rocky water of the Gulf of Mexico and splashes of warm salty ocean water made the banana rides and jet skiing unforgettable. Parasailing allowed me to see a breathtaking aerial view of the deep blue ocean, and feel as if I had escaped Earth for a few minutes. It was the best. The best vacation of my life at the time was over, and it was time to sit for six hours in a van. My parents, siblings, and I were in a dark green 2000 Chevrolet Astro Minivan. My uncle and his family were in a black GMC Sierra. All the luggage was in vehicles, and we departed at 9 am. I still hate long road trips because of the hours and hours that I remain stuck in the car. After being in paradise for the weekend, I did not look forward to the long ride home. The weather at the time was blazing hot and extremely humid. The windows of the van felt as hot as melting lava. I was not able to touch the window with my finger for longer than 5 seconds. As a result of the
Patient Protection Affordable Health Care Act - 1594 Words
Unable to pay health insurance hundred thousand people died every year too many people not having comprehensive coverage, many were dropped due serious medical issue, drop their health insurance plans due employer. Years the American people request affordable health care that everyone can have; government Officials disagreed universal health care known Patient Protection Affordable Health Care Act. The number issues, uninsured Americans have been an issue years. President Obama started focusing nationwide issue, introduced signed law to revise the widespread number Americans with no health insurance. This essay I will discuss Patient Protection Affordable Health Care Act as it pertains to our nation as well as explain the pro/cons of the issue of the PPACA, President Obama made it clear that when it came everyone should have coverage. Over the years health care insurance reform, in the U.S has been a political debate for provider consumers. One thing that Americans agreed that the reshaped of the U.S health care system; an effort by President Obama was successful in March 2010, the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act or PPACA was signed into law Increase numbers uninsured individuals due our nation had spent majority to support welfare allowed public program cut back. March, 2010 President Obama signed Patient Protection Affordable Care Act; Affordable Care Act purpose help millions without health insurance subsidies to help lower, middle income Americans boughtShow MoreRelatedThe Patient Protection And Affordable Health Care Act Essay1935 Words  | 8 Pagesunfortunately over years our government has degraded this country and what it stands for. The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, also known as Obama Care and Affordable Care Act, force all Americans to have health insurance or they will be assessed a penalty fine which some view as an illegal tax. It was the view point which was the basis of a case that went before the Supreme Court arguing against Obama Care. Unfortunately for some the ruling was against the â€Å"tax†based suit. The ACA has beenRead MoreThe Patient Protection And Affordable Health Care Act ( Obamacare )2199 Words  | 9 PagesThe Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act aka Obamacare, has been the largest, and most challenging, adjustment to the United States health system in the past 60 years. â€Å"Obamacare’s main focus is on providing more Americans with access to affordable health insurance, improving the quality of health care and health insurance, regulating the health insurance industry, and reducing health care spending in the US.†( Referenced Obamacare in shortRead MoreHealth Care Reform : Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act927 Words  | 4 PagesHealth Care Reform The health care reform of 2010, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), signed by the President Barrack Obama marked a significant landmark on the health care system that needed to be changed in order to provide health to the millions of uninsured in the United States. Nurses play an important role in the Affordable Care Act. According to Nickitas (2015), â€Å"nurses need deep understanding of the cost of care, health economics, and policy. Understanding the impact ofRead MoreHealth Insurance : The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act ( Aca )759 Words  | 4 Pagesb. Health Insurance In the modern United States, the starting point of any practical discussion about health insurance begins with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA has a significant amount of influence over employers and their individual employees, and therefore must be discussed before any recommendations may be made. There are three major aspects of the ACA that are relevant to our client and that ought to be discussed and considered. These aspects include the individualRead MoreImpact Of The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act On Public Health Services Essay1030 Words  | 5 PagesImpacts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Public Health Services The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act (PPACA) has had many impacts on public health services under ten different titles addressing the health and welfare of Americans. There are two titles specifically under the health system reform that have lead to putting a greater focus on public health and prevention, while also focusing on building a stronger workforce and infrastructure. Through Title Four and TitleRead MoreThe Impact Of The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act On Public Health Services2883 Words  | 12 Pages The Impact of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Public Health Services HSAD 500 Brian M. Mwesigwa Eastern Washington University – Master of Public Health Abstract Attempts for nearly a century in America have failed to establish the principle that every American is entitled to affordable and effective health insurance coverage regardless of their income or health status. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 has made this legislationRead MoreWhat Is The Goal Of The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act And Womens Health1119 Words  | 5 PagesPatient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Women’s Health In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was passed. The PPACA grants all legal residents in the United States access to health insurance. The PPACA is accommodated by expanding Medicaid, establishing tax credits for small business owners to cover insurance for their employees, and through state-offered â€Å"marketplaces†where citizens can buy insurance if they aren’t offered insurance elsewhere (Ranji, SalganicoffRead MoreThe Health Care Procedures Of The United States : The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act1900 Words  | 8 PagesIn my final analysis, I will review the present health care procedures. I will delve into the history of health care and the essential need for transformation in America. I will examine the existing health care reorganization in the United States; the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. I will look into the PPACA execution and possible repercussions. I will also look at the pros and cons of the ne w law. I will scrutinize and combine what changes need to take place in the future. And lastlyRead MoreSimilarities Between the The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Plan in Israel567 Words  | 2 Pagesreform has come to the United States. It is called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In its wake, healthcare in the United States will radically change. The United States trails as one of the last industrialized countries in the world to construct a national health plan. Israel has a national health plan that covers all its citizens that has been in place since 1995. There are some similarities with the proposed US health plan, but many differences. Both of these will be brieflyRead MoreEmployee Health Benefits Are Undergoing A Radical Change Due The Passage Of The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act Essay863 Words  | 4 PagesEmployee health benefits are undergoing a radical change due the passage of the Patient Protection Afford able Care Act in March 2010, employers are having to re-evaluating how and if they will be provide health benefits to their employees (Grant Thornton LLP, 2013). According to Dunn, Kirsschner, Livingston (2014) the PPACA has created new complications into collective bargaining negotiations over health insurance benefits. Especially in firms like GMFC which employs a large numbers of workers
Personal Imaginative Coursework †Conflict Free Essays
Conflict Marion had always got on with Sinead, but I’d noticed that recently things hadn’t been as peachy. She was in a room, her room, flicking through old magazines. It was starting to get dark and she hadn’t yet shut the curtains. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Imaginative Coursework – Conflict or any similar topic only for you Order Now ‘Knock knock’. Silence. ‘Knock knock’. â€Å"Mum?†Creak. â€Å"Why’s it so dark in here? I’m going out, I’ll be back later.†â€Å"I said I’d meet Mary at seven.†Sinead went over and pulled the curtains shut, tutting as she did so. â€Å"Well you can’t, I’m going out.†â€Å"I told you earlier, I can still go, we’re seeing ‘The Fruit Picker’, you know, the one with Bobby Clampton.†Marion sat down, tucking her skirt under her as she always did. â€Å"I don’t think so, fruitcake. I don’t want you to OK?†Sinead said, facing her daughter. â€Å"But you didn’t tell me you were going out and I’ve already made plans.†â€Å"Enough. I’ve said no.†Sinead made an annoying emphasis on the word no with her hands like she usually did before she lost her temper. â€Å"Then tell me why.†Marion was starting to get impatient but didn’t want Sinead to go into one, so tried to be rational. â€Å"Because I’ve said so.†â€Å"I have no problem in doing what you say as long as you give me a good reason, and so far I haven’t seen one so I assume I’m still going out.†As she said this, Marion went over to Sinead, noticing a helicopter circling the sky outside. â€Å"The reason is that I want you to stay home in case your father rings.†â€Å"No it’s not, you made that up. I’ll be back around ten.†â€Å"You’ll be here at ten because you won’t be going out. Ever.†â€Å"What, even school?†she said sarkily. â€Å"Don’t be a smart little cow. Yeah, even school.†â€Å"Don’t be stupid. You can’t be serious?†The worried expression on her face showed that calm composure wasn’t the first thing on her mind at the moment. â€Å"I’m deadly serious. See you later.†Sinead left the door open as she left the room and a few seconds later let the front door slam. I knew she’d be OK, so I stayed with Marion. Marion punched the bed with anger and let out a few reluctant sobs. She stood up jerkily and banged her head against the wall a few times to gather her thoughts. She stood for a moment then I followed her out of the room. I waited at the top of the stairs while she went down. She came back up with a knife from the kitchen. We went back into her room. She sat down on the bed. As I stayed by the door I watched her pull up her sleeve. She put the knife to her wrist and winced. I wanted to do something but I was only there to watch. â€Å"That’ll show her.†she muttered. She reached over to get a tissue and smeared some of the blood over the rest of her arm. â€Å"Run†BANG. BANG. â€Å"Now†BANG. The light was making him see in flashes, like strobing. The night was closing in on him but everything else was breaking up. As he turned the corner he tripped on a dustbin. Him and Mark had gone in opposite directions. â€Å"The Brits are on our tail.†â€Å"Down here†Voices from all directions were clouding his mind. The sirens were deafening. All he could do was think about his wife and daughter back home and know they’d be OK. It was quite a slow process as they dragged him, with a few of the others, into the back of the van, with the gunshots still roaring through the sky. Late at night, in the depths of the Irish countryside, a man knelt down beside his bed in a dorm, alongside many other men, some only boys, and prayed. Prayed that the Lord could give him strength to stand by his country and make him a martyr for freedom. But above all that the Lord might send someone to watch over his young wife and child in times when he could not be there. Because for him, knowing that God was watching over them meant knowing that they’d be safe even when he was too distant for his love to reach them. Many other men had prayed that night, for the next day was the day they’d first gone out and fought what would be the beginning of an even longer war. But O’Brien’s was the prayer I heard and the prayer I answered. And when he was caught, then lined up and shot by a British Army Officer and it was my turn to move on, I couldn’t help staying just a little longer to make sure Sinead and Marion got through it alright. A few hours later Marion was back with the magazines, the blood having crusted into a nice little scar. She heard a clunk from downstairs and quickly switched off the light and jumped into bed with her clothes still on. I went downstairs to check on Sinead. She’d got back later than she normally did. She took off her coat and hung it over the banister. She walked down the hall into the kitchen and put her keys down on the table. As she scanned the contents of the fridge, forest fruits gateau, cheese, orange juice, the phone started to ring. She shut the fridge door and picked it up after three rings. â€Å"Hello?†â€Å"Yes, that’s me.†The person on the end of the receiver was too muffled for me to hear. Sinead began fiddling with the only ring on her fingers. She paled and her shoulders tensed up. Her breathing became shallow and her chest heaved. â€Å"I understand.†â€Å"No thank you, I’ll be fine.†She put down the handset and lent on the worktop for support. She stood straight and walked through the hall and up the stairs trembling. I followed closely behind. â€Å"Can I come in, darlin’?†her voice didn’t come out as intended, it sounded too high, false. The door opened away from us, and Marion stood, looking unusually small. Sinead walked through and sat on the bed, her eyes were sunken and red. Marion stayed by the door too. â€Å"Are you OK mum? Has something happened?†â€Å"Come over here, love.†She gestured by patting the space next to her. Marion walked slowly over, looking stiff and uncomfortable. â€Å"What is it?†she asked. Sinead didn’t look her in the eye. She gestured again and Marion sat down. â€Å"I’ve just had a call from Mark. He had some news about your father.†As her eyes started pricking Marion wished she hadn’t turned on the light before opening the door. â€Å"He was caught on a job and he’s been, he’s been killed.†Marion lifted up her arm to wipe her eye, â€Å"What on earth have you done to yourself?†Sinead’s voice was trembling and cracking and her eyes shot with blood. â€Å"Nothing. I – I didn’t mean to.†â€Å"Oh come here, my baby.†And she pulled her to her, and as they both sat there sobbing out loud, clutching each other, I went over and put my arms round them both, gently rocking them from side to side into the night, softly singing an old Irish song my mother used to sing to me: The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone In the ranks of death you will find him His father’s sword he hath girded on And his wild harp slung behind him â€Å"Land of Song!†said the warrior bard â€Å"Tho’ all the world betrays thee One sword, at least, they rights shall guard One faithful harp shall praise thee!†The Minstrel fell! But the foeman’s chain Could not bring that proud soul under The harp he lov’d ne’er spoke again For he tore its chords asunder And said â€Å"No chains shall sully thee Thou soul of love and brav’ry! Thy songs were made for the pure and free, They shall never sound in slavery!†How to cite Personal Imaginative Coursework – Conflict, Papers
HATE CRIME IN AMERICA Essay Example For Students
HATE CRIME IN AMERICA Essay Hate crime is not a new phenomenon. Hate crimes have been prevalent in society for as far back as one can document it. In the United States alone, racial and religious biases have persisted for centuries. Even from the time that the first settlers landed in America, hate crimes have existed. The westward-moving English settlers were perpetrators of hate crime against the Native Americans. The Know Nothing Party in the 1850s held extreme anti-Catholic sentiments. Some whites, later in history, took part in bloody dealings and lynching of African Americans. The Ku Klux Klan performed cross burnings to intimidate the African Americans and other religious affiliations that it had biases of hatred towards. In 1968, Congress first passed a hate crime statute during a time a frightening racial violence. This was the first step toward the hate crime statutes that our law holds today (Wessler v-3 May 2000). This paper is intended to give a clear definition of a hate crime, according to the United States government, to provide examples and statistics of hate crime, and insight into state and federal laws pertaining to the enforcement or documentation of HATE CRIME IN AMERICA Essay. Hate crime is defined in the Hate Crime Statistics Act of 1990 as crimes that manifest evidence of prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity, including where appropriate the crimes of murder, non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, aggravated assault, simple assault, intimidation, arson, and destruction, damage, or vandalism of property. The 106th Congress also stated that the prominent characteristic of hate crime is that it devastates not just the actual victim and that victims family and friends, but frequently savages the community sharing the traits that caused the victim to be selected. This last statement, according to the United States Bureau of Justice Assistance, is what differentiates a crime from a bias crime, better known as hate crime. A bias motivated offense can cause a broad ripple of discomfiture among members of a targeted group, and violent hate crime can act like a virus quickly spreading feelings of terror and loathing across an ent ire community. In a radio address to the nation on June 7, 1997, President Bill Clinton said, hate crimesleave deep scars not only on the victims, but on our larger community. They weaken the sense that we are one people with common values and a common future. They tear us apart when we should be moving closer together. They are acts of violence against America itself. In recent studies performed under the supervision of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, results have shown that the majority of hate crime offenders are young white males (5). A majority of the crimes that they take part in are motivated toward a person of another race. Studies have shown that most hate crime is performed by individual citizens rather than by organized hate groups. Most of these citizens are believers of racial and ethnic stereotypes and act on spur-of- the-moment impulses (x). Although these perpetrators are not members of an organized hate group, almost half confessed to joining a bias-motivated confrontation (21). The American Psychological Associations research finds that most hate crimes are carried out by otherwise law-abiding young people who see little wrong with their actions. The APA also states that in its findings, extreme hate crime tends to be committed by people with a history of anti-social behavior. There have been many hate crimes occur within the past few years, some being more publicized than others. Some recent examples in todays society of hate crimes that have caught the worlds attention are the hate crimes against the following groups or people. On March 3, 1991 an African American man, Rodney King, was viciously beaten in the middle of a city street in broad daylight by three Los Angeles Police Officers while at least a dozen bystanders stood, watched and did nothing. .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 , .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 .postImageUrl , .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 , .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431:hover , .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431:visited , .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431:active { border:0!important; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431:active , .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431 .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3ecbbbb7cc94d33ede968a45de5ef431:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Game Of Sports Marketing Essay (Lawrence) On June 7, 1998 in the small southeast Texas town of Jasper, a 49 year old black man by the name of James Byrd, Jr. was singled out because of his African American heritage, brutally beaten, tied to the back of a truck and dragged three miles to his death. The perpetrators were all members of .
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Master Essay Writing Skills With These Simple Tips
Writing an essay is the most important task these days. While writing many students try to write better than the previous one. When the students write the essays on a continuous basis, then they know the exact pattern which must be followed and get better grades from the professors. The students can also avail the essay writing service and these days the best writing service they can avail is . Reading of other person essays: To improve the skills in essay writing students can read other essays as well. By reading the other person essay they can easily know how to write essays on diverse topics. The essays the students can read are related academics and peers. It is important that the students should be critical about other person’s essays. They must identify what they like about the essays, what they don’t like about the essays, and the techniques which are used by different persons in their essays. The students can also take the best essay writing service like as it contains professional people who can write the best essays by using the proper analytical skills.  Read Different Newspapers: The students can read different newspapers to improve the skills of writing essays. The students must read the pieces which are opinion based so that the students can understand how the writer has supported it with proper evidence. When the students read the newspaper, they can easily understand the way of writing. The expert people read the newspaper on a daily basis so that their professional essay writing services can be improved. Building and proper use of Vocabulary: The good vocabulary can be used to clearly express regarding the specific topic. The students must contain the proper vocabulary so that it can be used while writing essays. With the good vocabulary the students can communicate properly without using irrelevant words. The best essay writing service has people who use the proper vocabulary and relevant words in the essay. For the vocabulary improvement students can do the following things: Use of Word day Email: The students can get email on a daily basis through which they can learn the vocabulary properly. It is generally observed that the expert people can improve their vocabulary by subscribing the word day email. In this way their professional essay writing services can be improved. Knowledge of how to use suffixes and prefixes: The students must know how to use prefixes and suffixes properly. The prefixes are written at the beginning, so that the meaning can be changed. The suffixes are written at the end of the word. The essay writing service like knows how to use prefixes and suffixes. Mention the other people opinions: The students must mention the other people opinions, so that it widely mentions the knowledge and the research. Before writing essays, it is essential for the students to write a summary of a specific field, which contains the different people contributions so that the authors name can be quoted while writing essays. The paper writing services mention the other people opinions, so that the contributions of other people are also discussed. The students should not quote only other people opinions as it is important to mention their own opinion as well, so that is does not show that the persons own opinion is hided. While doing the essay writing service, the professionals mention their own opinion as well as the other persons contributions. Voice tone and Syntax: The students can use the sentence structures which are complex and are not understandable. While writing the essays it is essential that the reader must understand it easily. So the students use the syntax a lot, which is not the right approach because in this way they do not earn higher grades. The best essay writing service provides the essays which are easy to understand. The tone of the essays should be interesting so that the readers enjoy it while reading. Most of the students write the tone which is not engaging. The tone which is confident helps the reader to understand properly and show the effective analytical skills. The paper writing services write the essays with proper tone so that the reader finds it interesting to read.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
GED Essay Samples - How to Use Them For Writing Your College Report
GED Essay Samples - How to Use Them For Writing Your College ReportGED essay samples are good for the people who cannot come up with their own ideas for a college essay or report. The reason why they are good is because they are already utilized by students and geeks who love to research on the Internet. You just have to understand that they are easy to read and understand.What the students do not realize is that they can actually use these essay samples in school too. The fact is that these are actual samples, not copies or comments, but you will not find any wording or spelling errors in these essays. What they are doing is what every writer is doing; they are simply writing the content to impress their friends and their teachers.In schools, the primary purpose of the teachers is to instruct and inspire their students. They believe that by doing this, they will help them retain knowledge and get great grades. So you have to be aware that when you go to school and are asked to write a report, this means that you can actually use your writing skills and put it into practice.The GED Program uses essay programs because they know that one of the best ways to do this is to provide you with easy to read content to help you understand what to write. Asking for their opinion in exchange for a free sample will not only allow you to make sure that you are using the correct grammar and punctuation; you will also get the first hand experience in writing. This is something you cannot get online and try out by yourself.Instead of just going to the library or the bookstore and looking through books or magazines, why not try searching for a good sample online. These websites are filled with examples of essays. You just have to choose the one that you think will work best for you.If you would like to getquality GED essay samples, then you can always join the GED Certification Network. This website has already gathered some of the best sources in writing for you. If you want to find an essay sample in one hour, then you can find one online.They provide you with samples for all the different subjects, even for your GED courses. Once you find the one that you like, you can upload it and use it in your assignments. No one will be able to find it because it will be hidden away from the search engines.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
A Separate Peace and The Catcher in the rye symbols essays
A Separate Peace and The Catcher in the rye symbols essays Introductory Statement: In the book The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger and in the novel A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, there are many significant symbols throughout both books. In Merriam-Webster Dictionary, symbolism is defined as artistic imitation or invention that is a method of revealing or suggesting immaterial, ideal, or otherwise intangible truth or states. Both Salinger and Knowles display meaningful symbols throughout their novels that give the reader a better understanding of the intentions and meanings which are revealed throughout the novels. Thesis Statement: Both Salinger and Knowles display meaningful symbols throughout their novels that give the reader a better understanding of the intentions and meanings which are revealed throughout the novels. @ What I have to do, I have to catch . . .but thats the only thing Id really like to be (Pg 173) B: This is a people shooting. . . I shoot people in this hat (Pg 22) C: Finny, his balance gone, swung his head to look at me for an instant with extreme interest, and then he tumbled sideways, broke through the little branches below and hit the bank with a sickening, unnatural thud" (Pg 52). D: We had never used this lower river . . . and into the turbid Naguamsett. (Pg 68) Paragraph 1 (Topic Sentence) @ Holdens desire to be The Catcher in the Rye has symbolic meaning of his need to stop the transition from childhood innocence to falling off the cliff and becoming a phony. Paragraph 2 (Topic Sentence) B: Holdens Red Hunting cap symbolizes his isolation and need to run from society when turned to the front, as well as his need of protection of childhood innocence, as if he is a catcher when his hat is turned to the back. Paragraph 3 (Topic Sentence) C: Finnys fall represents the fall from innocence, and ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Worked Chemistry Problem Examples
Worked Chemistry Problem Examples This is a collection of worked general chemistry and introductory chemistry problems, listed in alphabetical order. Included are printable pdf chemistry worksheets so you can practice problems and then check your answers. You may also browse chemistry problems according to the type of problem. Alphabetical Index of Chemistry Problem Types Absolute ErrorAccuracy ReviewAcidBalancing Redox Reactions and TutorialBalancing Redox Reactions in a Basic SolutionBalancing Redox Equations- TutorialBohr Atom Energy LevelsBohr Atom Energy ChangeBoiling Point ElevationBond Energies EnthalpiesBond PolarityBoyles LawBoyles Gas LawCalorimetry Heat FlowCarbon-14 DatingCelsius to Kelvin Temperature ConversionCharles Gas LawClausius-Clapeyron EquationConcentration and Molarity- Determine a Concentration From A Known Mass of Solute Concentration and MolaritysDaltons Law of Partial Pressuresde Broglie Wavelength CalculationDensity CalculationDensity of a Solid and a LiquidDensity Example Problem- Finding Mass From DensityDensity of an Ideal GasDiamagnetismDilutions from Stock SolutionsElectron ConfigurationElectron Volt to Joule ConversionElectronegativityEmpirical FormulaCalculate Empirical and Molecular Formula of a CompoundEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of a ReactionEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of a Reaction of a Given MassEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of WaterEntropy CalculationEntropy ChangeEntropy of ReactionEquation of a LineEquilibrium ConstantEquilibrium Constant for Gaseous ReactionsEquilibrium ConcentrationExperimental ErrorFeet to Inches ConversionFree Energy and PressureFree Energy and Reaction SpontaneityFormal Charge - Lewis Structure Resonance StructuresFreezing Point Depression Frequency to Wavelength ConversionGrahams LawGram to Mole ConversionGuy ProblemIdeal Gas LawIdeal Gas Problem Problem–Unknown GasIdeal Gas vs Real GassIonic Bond from ElectronegativityIsotopes and Nuclear Symbols 1Isotopes and Nuclear Symbols 2Joule to Electron Volt ConversionLaw of Multiple ProportionsLength Conversion- Angstroms to MetersLength Conversion- Angstroms to NanometersLength Conversion- Centimeters to MetersLength Conversion- Feet to KilometersLength Conversion- Feet to MetersLength Conversion- Kilometers to MetersLength Conversion- Miles to KilometersLength Conversion- Millimeters to CentimetersLength Conversion- Millimeters to MetersLength Conversion- Micrometers to MetersLength Conversion- Nanometers to MetersLength Conversion- Nanometers to Angstroms Length Conversion 2Mass Relations in Balanced EquationsMean of a Set of NumbersMean, Median, Mode and Range ExampleMolalityMolar MassMolarityMolarity to PPM ConversionMole 2pH of a Strong AcidpH of a Strong BasePhosphate Buffer PreparationpOH CalculationPolyprotic Acid pH Population Standard DeviationPrecision ReviewPredicting Formulas of Compounds with Polyatomic IonsPredicting Formulas of Ionic CompoundsPrepare a Solution (Molarity)Pressure Conversion 2Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons in Atoms/IonsRadioactive Decay 1Raoults Law 2Raoults Law 3Rate of Radioactive DecayRates of ReactionReactions in Aqueous SolutionReaction QuotientRedox ReactionRelative ErrorRoot Mean Square Velocity of Ideal Gas MoleculesSample Standard DeviationScientific NotationSignificant FiguresSimplest Formula from Percent Composition Solubility from Solubility ProductSolubility Product from SolubilityTemperature ConversionsTemperature Conversions- Kelvin to Celsius FahrenheitTemperature Conversions- Celsius to FahrenheitTemperature Conversions- Celsius to KelvinTemperature Conversions- Kelvin to CelsiusTemperature Conversions- Fahrenheit to CelsiusTemperature Conversions- Fahrenheit to KelvinTemperature That Fahrenheit Equals CelsiusTheoretical YieldTheoretical Yield #2Titration ConcentrationUncertaintyUnit Cancelling- English to MetricUnit Cancelling- Metric to MetricUnit ConversionsUnit Conversion- What Is The Speed Of Light In Miles Per Hour?Vector Scalar ProductVolume Conversions- Cubic Centimeters to LitersVolume Conversions- Cubic Feet to Cubic InchesVolume Conversions- Cubic Feet to LitersVolume Conversions- Cubic Inches to Cubic CentimetersVolume Conversions- Cubic Inches to Cubic FeetVolume Conversions- Cubic Meters to Cubic FeetVolume Conversions- Cubic Meters to LitersVolume Conversions- Gallons to Li tersVolume Conversions- Cubic Inches to Liters Volume Conversions- Fluid Ounces to MillilitersVolume Conversions- Liters to MillilitersVolume Conversions- Microliters to MillilitersVolume Conversions- Milliliters to LitersVolume PercentWavelength to Frequency Conversion Chemistry Worksheets (pdf to download or print) Metric to English Conversions WorksheetMetric to English Conversions AnswersMetric to Metric Conversions WorksheetMetric to Metric Conversions AnswersTemperature Conversions WorksheetTemperature Conversions AnswersTemperature Conversions Worksheet #2Temperature Conversions Answers #2Moles to Grams Conversions WorksheetMoles to Grams Conversions AnswersFormula or Molar Mass WorksheetFormula or Molar Mass Worksheet AnswersPracticing Balancing Chemical Equations- WorksheetBalancing Chemical Equations- AnswersPracticing Balancing Chemical Equations- Worksheet #2Balancing Chemical Equations- Answers #2Practicing Balancing Chemical Equations- Worksheet #3Balancing Chemical Equations- Answers #3Common Acid Names Formulas- WorksheetAcid Names and Formulas- AnswersPractice Calculations with Moles- WorksheetMole Calculations- AnswersPractice Mole Relations in Balanced Equations- WorksheetMole Relations in Balanced Equations- AnswersGas LawsGas Laws AnswersGas Laws Answers- Shown WorkLimiting Reagent- Worksheet Limiting Reagent- AnswersCalculating Molarity- WorksheetCalculating Molarity- AnswersAcid Base pH- WorksheetAcid Base pH- AnswersElectron Configurations- WorksheetElectron Configurations- AnswersBalancing Redox Reactions- WorksheetBalancing Redox Reactions- Answers
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Picture of Mona Lisa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Picture of Mona Lisa - Essay Example The painter himself, Leonardo Di Vinci, lived in Europe, Italy, and is world renown for his paintings all over the world. In his pieces of art, he usually made use of the natural angles, proportions and various patterns that gave him an edge over other painters of his time. This is one of the many pieces of arts that has been gifted to the world by the genius. Every angle of the picture holds some interest for the students of art and has led to various assumptions on each angle. For example, in case of eyebrows, it is being often said that they were removed unintentionally during the course of art-making. A scrupulous review of the picture reveals that there is hardly any hair on the face, the only one that can be detected is probably through the employment of single use of the brush. Regarding the subject of picture, the lady herself, on many occasions is being termed as a lady named Lisa Gherardini (Klein 15), who was born in the late XV century and the painter did not even give th e portrait to her just because he was totally obsessed with the art that he had crafted. The face expression has held attention of many over number of years through decades. The background of the picture equally compliments the facial expressions and beauty surrounding the face. Many pieces of his art were incomplete, however, due to his personal interest and fascination of the subject of the picture, the incumbent brought it to the level of perfection that has many in intrigue. Though exact date of this picture is unknown, yet it is being believed that picture sketching took place somewhere in the early days of the XVI century (between 1503 and 1506) (Goyer and Yorkey 210). The lady on the picture is often named as La Gioconda. It is being said that the entire portrait took nearly three years to reach the final point of completion or the point where it is today.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Tyco international Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Tyco international - Essay Example government. After its incorporation, the firm involved itself with high-tech science materials and conversion of energy products for use in the commercial sector. Over time, Tyco International was involved with various corporate strategies such as mergers and acquisition to become a leading manufacturer of industrial products. Corporate Level Strategies According to Porter (2008), corporate strategy includes all strategies that an organization employs as it diversifies. The strategy involves the combination of enterprises that a firm should compete in integration and modes through which to subsidiaries are coordinated. The four common corporate strategies applied by many firms including Tyco International include the portfolio strategy, restructuring, skills transfer and activity sharing (Tyco, 2011). The portfolio strategy as applied in the context of Tyco international is the ability of the firm to choose the best strategy exploits the strengths of the organization with the ability to exploit existing opportunities. The aim is to maximize shareholder returns. The analysis of the existing business portfolio and making decisions on suitability of the firm in receiving any further investment is a major step that should be accompanied strategy evaluation. In order to achieve the intended strategy, various methods are used, two of which is the BCG matrix and the General electric/shell strategy. Through the application of these strategies, Tyco International has been able to diversify over time (Tyco, 2011). Tyco International was established as an experimental laboratory/organization conducting experiments for the government. However, over time, the firm was able to experience both internal and external growth with diversity in its operations in different fields with the latest being a split. Internal growth was experienced through increased revenue that was used to pursue external growth through mergers and acquisitions. For instance, mergers began as early as 19 66 when the firm acquired Industrionics Control Inc. the 1970s saw the firm acquire Simplex and Grinnell. The firm continued its external expansion and ended acquiring more firms in the course of its growth (Porter, 2008). However, the firm realized it potential growth prospects and exploited the corporate strategy of split in 2006 where it was split into three independent companies that were Covidien Ltd, Tyco Electronics Ltd and Tyco International Ltd. Before splitting, Tyco International utilized the BCG strategy that could be used to establish the product portfolios of the firm as explained in the next section. While diversifying in international markets, Tyco International utilized strategies such as the export strategy, franchising and joint ventures and licensing among others. BCG Matrix as Applied to Tyco International The BCG matrix categorizes products of an organization based on the market share and the market growth rate. Based on these two axes, four quadrants are drawn representing stars, cash cows, dogs and cats. The matrix postulates that Stars represent products of the firm that depict high growth rates in the market such as healthcare products and services of Tyco International. Electronic products that have a large market share although they perform moderately in the market while question marks and dogs represent products of low market share operating in high growth markets and
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Film Analysis of Under the Moon Essay -- Analysis Movie Film
Introduction The sacrifices of a mother for her child can never be underestimated. The film Under the Moon depicts this precise example of a mother’s unconditional love for her son to the point of sacrifice. According to Lynch this mother followed the normal process for migration: preparatory stage, the decision to leave; act of migration, the process; the period of overcompensation, realizing the changes and doubting the decision; the period of decompensation, conflicting times and transgenerational impact, the migration process (Marci Hanson and E. Lynch, Developing Cross Cultural Competence, p.185). The family is Mexican. This line has roots in El Paso, Texas but Rosario, a single parent has migrated to Los Angeles, California in hopes of providing a better life for her nine year old son, Carlitos. California was the state of choice for many Mexicans, as many as 57 percent were legal immigrants according to Taylor (R. Taylor, Minority in the Families, p.89). Carlitos is left with his grandmother, who apparently has health issues. His godmother also has agreed to care of him as well. Carlitos watched his godmother’s calculating plans assist Mexicans in their escape to the United States; he wanted to receive the same assistance because he wanted to join his mother in the United States. The Structure of the Family This Mexican family is unique in that Rosario was a single mother. The culture of the Mexicans was very family oriented, and it was not common to have single parents among their culture during this time. According to Taylor the population of female headed household has steadily increased in the last decade but less appropriate in the Hispanic population (Taylor, p. 93). Her mother, apparently very ill too... working for, seemingly was running the household. It is interesting not a father to come into focus until Carlitos has almost completed his journey and yet his father, Oscar doesn’t step up to do those things that would be expected of a machismo male. This review does not fit the practical norm of the Mexican culture according to the reading as I understood it. I would say this family was more Americanize although they held some views Taylor and Hanson shared they were not overwhelming. Works Cited Lynch, Eleanor W. & Hanson =, Marci J, (2004). A guide for working with children and families: Developing cross-cultural competence (3rd edition). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Taylor, Ronald L. (2002). Minority families in the United States: A multicultural perspective (3rd edition). Upper saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Analysis of Feminism in Pride and Prejudice Essay
Abstractï ¼Å¡Pride and Prejudice is a marvellous novel of Jane Austen. Although in her age, women are regarded as emotional, weak, nurturing, and submissive, Austen depicts her heroine, Elizabeth as a woman who has her own perspectives, feelings, and opinions. This paper analyses feminism in Pride and Prejudice from its progressive and conservative aspects. The former is reflected from the perspective of the way of narration and depiction of Elizabeth, while the latter is illustrated when this novel is confined in patriarchal society, that is, it compromises with custom and tradition of its time. Key words: feminism, female’s narrative perspective, depiction of Elizabeth, compromise. 1. Introduction Pride and Prejudice is famous as a masterpiece of Jane Austen for centuries. Many factors contribute to the success of it. The plot is absorbing: it tells how the hero, Darcy gets rid of his pride and the heroine, Elizabeth gets over her prejudice and to know each other and how they finally get married. The writing technique is noticeable as well. Narrative perspective from Elizabeth influences readers’ judgement, which causes readers’ misunderstanding of Darcy at the beginning. The correction of Elizabeth’s understanding of Darcy’s real character in the last chapters creates one of the climaxes in this novel. Austen’s language is witty and concise, and many words are full of wisdom and humor. We can observe Austen’s feminism in Pride and Prejudice, although she may not realize it. The narration from a female’s perspective is worth mentioning. It provides us with a different world from a male’s view. Women are placed in the center of narration. In the novel, Elizabeth is outstanding among those women. She is a woman who thinks she is equal with men. However, feminism in this novel is conservative, for Austen did not go beyond social custom in her day. There is something against feminism. Women are passive and dependent on man economically. I will analyze the progressiveness and conservatism in this novel. A rough knowledge of Austen’s writing background is helpful for us to understand the analysis better. The story happens in the late eighteenth or the early nineteenth century in a British rural country which is similar to Austen’s life environment. In Austen’s day, for women did not work outside like men, their economic status is quite low. Lack of economic independence also suggests that women have to rely on men after marriage if they want to live decently. Inequality in economy leads to women’s dependence. Inequality caused by social custom also affects women’s social status. The inferior position long occupied by women in patriarchal society has been culturally, not biologically, produced. (Hornsby, 257) Men were regarded as governors of society, while women as objects governed by them. Even women themselves did not think they were as equal as men. They accepted it as a truth that men were innately superior to them. However, in Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth is against this traditional view. She has much confidence on her intelligence and judgment and at the time she is against tradition to some extent. Elizabeth’s distinction is a statement of Austen’s awakening of feminism. This paper appreciates the female’s perspective of narration in Pride and Prejudice and the way that Austen depicts Elizabeth as a woman who has similar viewpoint with feminists. Meanwhile, this paper notices that the novel has its limitation in terms of feminism. This paper analyses feminism in Pride and Prejudice from its progressive and conservative aspects 2. Progress in Terms of Feminism 2.1 The Female’s Narrative Perspective Special viewpoint is important to convey the idea and life experience of the narrator and even the writer. (Min Jie, 65) In traditional novels, the narrators are almost males, and male characters are usually in the center of narration. Then it is not strange that men’s thoughts and experience are talked about but those of women are neglected. In a man’s narration, females are objects of observation; they are passive and have no discursive power. (Cheshire, 158) The image of females is simplified and polarized. There are only two kinds of girls: good girls or bad girls. Good girl accepts her traditional gender role and obeys the patriarchal rules, while bad girl is the opposite. (Tyson, 38) The well-rounded character of females in real life does not get much attention. The image of women is materialized, partly out of men’s imagination. They build the image according to their expectation, taking for granted women’s real feelings. Therefore, women’s feelings are not hearkened and their feelings not perceived. This is a kind of neglect and even more discrimination. Fortunately Austen made a bold try in the men-governed novel world. Virginia Wolf once said that men and women’s concerns are significantly different. (Min Jie, 25) They understand things differently. Something that is trivial in men’s eyes is probably very important in women’s eyes. Austen transformed the narrative perspective from male-centred to female-centred, emphasizing the consciousn ess of female subjectivity. She shows to readers how females react to the world. The story goes not with the affairs around the males, but with females’ life experience and feelings. Women are given discursive power, which is a rare case in traditional novels. Austen made great efforts to change the rules in patriarchy. In this novel, Austen purposely limits her privilege of narration. In the first ten chapters, the novel has an omniscient narrator who takes care of all the things and people. It shows basic background information to readers. As the story goes on, we get interested in Elizabeth and therefore the view begins to be concentrated on her naturally. She becomes the heroine and the whole narration is confined to her world. What she sees and hears is the only way for us to obtain information. Her attitudes and thoughts inevitably influence our judgment. In other words, females that are narrated and controlled in traditional novels are endowed the discursive power. They have the right to talk about their opinions and make judgment. In the Bible, God takes out a rib from Adam to create Eve. This archetype all the time underlies the domination and superiority of males. In contrast, females are repressed and even they themselves could not see their identity clearly. They are as daughters, wives and mothers. In short, they live for men. Nevertheless, in Pride and Prejudice, men are observed and judged. They become the â€Å"other†, which Simone de Beauvoir called women. Austen’s description of males also impacts on the authority of patriarchy. Elizabeth points out Darcy’s pride and after self-reflection, he corrects it. He gets improved with the help of Elizabeth. To some extent, Elizabeth plays the role of his tutor. (Zhang zhisong, 12) This is quite unusual in traditional novels. Austen changes the fact that males are placed above females. In Pride and Prejudice, females become the subjects of narration and men are learned. The discursive power mastered by men is now shared by women as well. Austen deconstructed the male-centred narration and helped eliminate the discrimination against women in writing tradition. In the novel, the narration from a female’ viewpoint is a challenge to the authority of patriarchy. Meanwhile, Austen made a big step in the history of female literature. 2.2 Depiction of Elizabeth Austen’s feminism is mainly embodied in her depiction of Elizabeth. Different from traditional women, Elizabeth is no longer someone to please males, nor one to obey patriarchy. She is confident and independent and charming in personality. Austen starts to mould Elizabeth from the view that women are born equal with men in intelligence. This view reflects the confidence Austen has on women. She had a new view of women, which is shown in the description of Elizabeth’s character from different aspects. In Jane Austen’s day, an accomplished woman must have a general knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and modern languages. Besides, she must pay attention to her manners, dress and expressions. (Cai Lanlan, 85) Girls are educated in this way not for their sake or to cultivate their minds. However, the accomplishments are to attract a good husband, especially a wealthy one. Girls practice these skills to acquire a key to open the door of a happy marriage. Once they get married, these accomplishments are usually abandoned. Nevertheless, Elizabeth is quite different from traditional women. She does not learn the accomplishments tradition and society encourage girls to acquire. She is elegant in a special way. She prefers extensive reading to cultivate her mind. She admits frankly that she does not sing or play the piano well. She does not think it is a shame, either. Her rebellion against traditional accomplishments shows that she is conscious of the identity of females. She rejects to be the tool to please males. She prefers pursuing spiritual fulfilment. She would like to be a fully developed person whose mind is really educated, rather than just someone’s wife. Austen does not approve women’s absolute obedience. She rebels against it when necessary. Elizabeth is special for she is bold enough to challenge the feudal ethics. To ensure the health of her sister, Jane at Netherfield, Elizabeth walks three miles in a bad day by herself regardless of her mother’s opposition. â€Å"With weary ankles, dirty stockings, and a face glowing with the warmth of exercise†, (Austen, 31) she entered Netherfield, leaving the Bingley sisters despise her successfully. She does not care about her indecent dress, or Bingley sisters’ contempt. From that point, we can see Elizabeth’s detachment from traditional shackles. Elizabeth does not feel humble when encountered with people who are in higher position. She is courageous to refute unjustified reproaches to her as well. To some unreasonable requirements, she can respond forcefully. In Austen’s eyes, Elizabeth is the embodiment of self-esteem and courage. When Lady Catherine forces her to promise that she would refuse Darcy if he asked her to marry him, she refutes that she will pursue her happiness without reference to Lady Catherine or anyone unconnected with her. (Austen, 367) She is not threatened by someone who has higher social rank. She does not feel shy or cowardly when marriage is mentioned before her, although traditional women in her day are asked to behave in opposite. Elizabeth is intelligent and insightful. She is good at studying character and analyzing herself as well. What concerns her most is not something superficial, such as wealth or status when making judgment on others, but something in nature. She also reflects herself. It is her self-analysis that makes her notice her prejudice against Darcy and then rebuilds her knowledge about him. Elizabeth is somewhat â€Å"a studier of character†. (Austen, 88) This is quite precious for in previous novels, women are observed by others and women’s perspectives on the world are seldom mentioned. Elizabeth is independent and strong-minded, which come from her confidence. Once she defines something is right and worthy to be done, no one can change her mind. She has strong faith in her judgment, though she does not always make the right decision. This forms a contrast with Jane, who is a representative of traditional girls. She knows her own mind less than Elizabeth does. There is another example to show Elizabeth’s good will. When her younger sister, Lydia elopes with Wickham, it is Elizabeth who plays a crucial role in solving the problem, while her mother just falls in illness due to worry. Her independence makes her less influenced by others and she can behave on her own will. Her confidence leads her to deal with emergency calmly and orderly. Her attitude towards marriage is worth mentioning. She perceives that love should be an important element in marriage, which is quite important. That can be seen in her refusal of Mr. Collins’ proposal. Though she is poor and her family suggests her joint with a man who is to inherit her father’s property, (Carson, 21) she refuses to marry a man who she despises. She rejects marriage which does not include love. In her eyes, marriage is not a transaction, in which a man exchanges a wife with fortune. It seems a humiliation to her that people regard marriage as a trade. She insists that love be the foundation of marriage. That forms a contrast with her intimate friend, Charlotte, who marries Mr. Collins to get rid of possible poverty in later life. There is something else that matters in marriage for Elizabeth. She believes that marriage should also be based on equality and respect between husband and wife. Elizabeth does not accept Darcy’s first proposal for she feels his sense of her inferiority and she is annoyed by Darcy’s pride. After realizing her misjudgement on Darcy and Darcy’s change of his pride, they both become more mature and understand each other more. They help each other improve their personality. They are lovers as well as friends. Therefore, not only love but also esteem exists between them. Men and women are free to choose their spouses, but their affection should be tempered by reason and with respect. (Cai Lanlan, 19) Elizabeth has a lot of courage to pursue her happiness, which is precious in her day. Elizabeth is wise, independent, confident and strong-minded, and much feminism is reflected on her character. Austen does not mould her as a perfect figure. Elizabeth commits prejudice against Wickham and Darcy, which makes big mistakes. However, Austen means no criticism to her imperfection but a challenge to the traditional creation of heroes or heroines, who were perfect in many priory novels. Austen made a change. The imperfection on Elizabeth makes her more real and distinctive; she is even more charming due to her shortcomings. Meanwhile, this kind of writing is more valuable according to aesthetic. (Ma Wenting, 69) 3. Conservatism in Terms of Feminism Austen did make much contribution to feminism. She advocated that females should be sensible and independent. Elizabeth is a figure whose consciousness of feminism is much more advanced than that of other women in her day. However, limited by social custom and education she received, Austen was not radical as some feminists of nowadays. She was a pioneer in the field of feminism, but her consciousness was weak and conservative. Influenced by patriarchal culture, she could not escape from tradition thoroughly. She made a compromise with social custom, so there is something against feminism in this novel. In love, females are objects of being chosen. In marriage, women still depend on men in material. Only by males’ approval can females fulfil their values. This paper also explains the conservatism in terms of feminism in this novel. In patriarchy, women nearly have no rights to choose the ones they are fond of. They are not allowed to be active in love. Women are asked to show as few feelings as possible. When Elizabeth sheds her prejudice against Darcy, she falls in love with him immediately. However, instead of telling her feelings to him at once, she has to wait until Darcy makes a proposal to her again. If Darcy got offended by her refusal and never asked her to marry him again, probably Elizabeth would miss the chance. (Ji Ying, 47) Elizabeth is the best-loved figure by Austen, but she still can not get rid of the confinement from social custom. Jane pretends to be detached from Bingley’s affection due to the restraint of the rules. It is her restraint that puzzles Bingley and almost ends their relationship. All women can do is to wait for the coming of love and sometimes even accept a proposal against their will. They have no freedom to choose husbands, not mention to pursue them. In marriage, for men and women are not equal in economy, women have to rely on their husbands. At the beginning of the story, Austen mentions that a man with good fortune must need a wife. (Austen, 1) In fact, the story proves reversely that a woman if not to be raised by her parents must find a husband with much property. Elizabeth is surprised by her sensible and rational friend Charlotte’s marriage with contemptible Mr. Collins. Actually, except that Elizabeth finds someone who appreciates her and is wealthy as well, there is no point for her to be amazed by Charlotte’s choice. Elizabeth pursues independence and liberty in spirit, but after marriage, she still has to live like other women, depending on their husbands in material. Austen depicts Darcy as a wealthy man, unconsciously proving that she still thinks a man with wealth is advantaged. Austen used the archetype of Cinderella. The difference from the original one is that Cinderella in Pride and Prejudice is not fragile and the prince is not charmed only by his Cinderella’s beauty, but also by her personality. It seems to resist against the discrimination that women are just beautiful in appearance, for what concerns Austen most is the description of Elizabeth’s character. Nevertheless, women are still evaluated by men; it is men who have the right to announce how a woman is. Without the appreciation of Darcy, probably Elizabeth would stay as Cinderella forever. (Liu Xueqiong, 3) She is not able to change her status by herself. Elizabeth is witty and different from other girls, but what Austen expresses to us is that Elizabeth is worthy to get married with. Elizabeth is envied not for she is a totally independent person as a woman, but for she will be Darcy’s wife. The psychology of depending on men is rooted in contemporary custom. It was acknowledged that there was nothing wrong for w omen to be raised by men. Even though Austen found that spiritual independence was not enough for women, she was powerless to change the situation. Social system did not reach the point that Austen could not bear so that she attempted to overthrow its standards totally in her writing. Confined by social custom in her day, Austen did not catch the real meaning of equality between men and women and independence of women. Limited by contemporary social tradition, Austen gave in to it. There is something against feminism. In the novel, women are passive when dealing with love and they have to rely on men after marriage. Furthermore, they need men’s appreciation to fulfil their life. Feminism is observed in Elizabeth, but it is vague. 4. Conclusion Austen is insightful into society in which she lived. Pride and Prejudice is excellent in many aspects. Her knowledge of feminism is advanced in her day. She uses female-centred narration, which is different from traditional narration, which is male-centred. She depicts Elizabeth as a woman shining with the glory of feminism. In this novel, Elizabeth is independent, intelligent confidant and strong-minded, which does not meat men’s expectation. These factors state feminism of this novel. Meanwhile, her feminism is quite conservative. She gave way to social custom of her day. Women are passive, for they are not allowed to make decisions on their own marriages; they have to depend on men economically, which affirms their inferiority. These elements expose the conservatism of this novel. Austen challenges the rules in patriarchy but unfortunately she is confined by them as well. Above all, she as a pioneer contributes a lot to feminism, and the depiction of Elizabeth is so successful that girls of nowadays have much to learn from her.
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