Wednesday, March 18, 2020
A Separate Peace and The Catcher in the rye symbols essays
A Separate Peace and The Catcher in the rye symbols essays Introductory Statement: In the book The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger and in the novel A Separate Peace, by John Knowles, there are many significant symbols throughout both books. In Merriam-Webster Dictionary, symbolism is defined as artistic imitation or invention that is a method of revealing or suggesting immaterial, ideal, or otherwise intangible truth or states. Both Salinger and Knowles display meaningful symbols throughout their novels that give the reader a better understanding of the intentions and meanings which are revealed throughout the novels. Thesis Statement: Both Salinger and Knowles display meaningful symbols throughout their novels that give the reader a better understanding of the intentions and meanings which are revealed throughout the novels. @ What I have to do, I have to catch . . .but thats the only thing Id really like to be (Pg 173) B: This is a people shooting. . . I shoot people in this hat (Pg 22) C: Finny, his balance gone, swung his head to look at me for an instant with extreme interest, and then he tumbled sideways, broke through the little branches below and hit the bank with a sickening, unnatural thud" (Pg 52). D: We had never used this lower river . . . and into the turbid Naguamsett. (Pg 68) Paragraph 1 (Topic Sentence) @ Holdens desire to be The Catcher in the Rye has symbolic meaning of his need to stop the transition from childhood innocence to falling off the cliff and becoming a phony. Paragraph 2 (Topic Sentence) B: Holdens Red Hunting cap symbolizes his isolation and need to run from society when turned to the front, as well as his need of protection of childhood innocence, as if he is a catcher when his hat is turned to the back. Paragraph 3 (Topic Sentence) C: Finnys fall represents the fall from innocence, and ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Worked Chemistry Problem Examples
Worked Chemistry Problem Examples This is a collection of worked general chemistry and introductory chemistry problems, listed in alphabetical order. Included are printable pdf chemistry worksheets so you can practice problems and then check your answers. You may also browse chemistry problems according to the type of problem. Alphabetical Index of Chemistry Problem Types Absolute ErrorAccuracy ReviewAcidBalancing Redox Reactions and TutorialBalancing Redox Reactions in a Basic SolutionBalancing Redox Equations- TutorialBohr Atom Energy LevelsBohr Atom Energy ChangeBoiling Point ElevationBond Energies EnthalpiesBond PolarityBoyles LawBoyles Gas LawCalorimetry Heat FlowCarbon-14 DatingCelsius to Kelvin Temperature ConversionCharles Gas LawClausius-Clapeyron EquationConcentration and Molarity- Determine a Concentration From A Known Mass of Solute Concentration and MolaritysDaltons Law of Partial Pressuresde Broglie Wavelength CalculationDensity CalculationDensity of a Solid and a LiquidDensity Example Problem- Finding Mass From DensityDensity of an Ideal GasDiamagnetismDilutions from Stock SolutionsElectron ConfigurationElectron Volt to Joule ConversionElectronegativityEmpirical FormulaCalculate Empirical and Molecular Formula of a CompoundEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of a ReactionEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of a Reaction of a Given MassEnthalpy Change - Enthalpy Change of WaterEntropy CalculationEntropy ChangeEntropy of ReactionEquation of a LineEquilibrium ConstantEquilibrium Constant for Gaseous ReactionsEquilibrium ConcentrationExperimental ErrorFeet to Inches ConversionFree Energy and PressureFree Energy and Reaction SpontaneityFormal Charge - Lewis Structure Resonance StructuresFreezing Point Depression Frequency to Wavelength ConversionGrahams LawGram to Mole ConversionGuy ProblemIdeal Gas LawIdeal Gas Problem Problem–Unknown GasIdeal Gas vs Real GassIonic Bond from ElectronegativityIsotopes and Nuclear Symbols 1Isotopes and Nuclear Symbols 2Joule to Electron Volt ConversionLaw of Multiple ProportionsLength Conversion- Angstroms to MetersLength Conversion- Angstroms to NanometersLength Conversion- Centimeters to MetersLength Conversion- Feet to KilometersLength Conversion- Feet to MetersLength Conversion- Kilometers to MetersLength Conversion- Miles to KilometersLength Conversion- Millimeters to CentimetersLength Conversion- Millimeters to MetersLength Conversion- Micrometers to MetersLength Conversion- Nanometers to MetersLength Conversion- Nanometers to Angstroms Length Conversion 2Mass Relations in Balanced EquationsMean of a Set of NumbersMean, Median, Mode and Range ExampleMolalityMolar MassMolarityMolarity to PPM ConversionMole 2pH of a Strong AcidpH of a Strong BasePhosphate Buffer PreparationpOH CalculationPolyprotic Acid pH Population Standard DeviationPrecision ReviewPredicting Formulas of Compounds with Polyatomic IonsPredicting Formulas of Ionic CompoundsPrepare a Solution (Molarity)Pressure Conversion 2Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons in Atoms/IonsRadioactive Decay 1Raoults Law 2Raoults Law 3Rate of Radioactive DecayRates of ReactionReactions in Aqueous SolutionReaction QuotientRedox ReactionRelative ErrorRoot Mean Square Velocity of Ideal Gas MoleculesSample Standard DeviationScientific NotationSignificant FiguresSimplest Formula from Percent Composition Solubility from Solubility ProductSolubility Product from SolubilityTemperature ConversionsTemperature Conversions- Kelvin to Celsius FahrenheitTemperature Conversions- Celsius to FahrenheitTemperature Conversions- Celsius to KelvinTemperature Conversions- Kelvin to CelsiusTemperature Conversions- Fahrenheit to CelsiusTemperature Conversions- Fahrenheit to KelvinTemperature That Fahrenheit Equals CelsiusTheoretical YieldTheoretical Yield #2Titration ConcentrationUncertaintyUnit Cancelling- English to MetricUnit Cancelling- Metric to MetricUnit ConversionsUnit Conversion- What Is The Speed Of Light In Miles Per Hour?Vector Scalar ProductVolume Conversions- Cubic Centimeters to LitersVolume Conversions- Cubic Feet to Cubic InchesVolume Conversions- Cubic Feet to LitersVolume Conversions- Cubic Inches to Cubic CentimetersVolume Conversions- Cubic Inches to Cubic FeetVolume Conversions- Cubic Meters to Cubic FeetVolume Conversions- Cubic Meters to LitersVolume Conversions- Gallons to Li tersVolume Conversions- Cubic Inches to Liters Volume Conversions- Fluid Ounces to MillilitersVolume Conversions- Liters to MillilitersVolume Conversions- Microliters to MillilitersVolume Conversions- Milliliters to LitersVolume PercentWavelength to Frequency Conversion Chemistry Worksheets (pdf to download or print) Metric to English Conversions WorksheetMetric to English Conversions AnswersMetric to Metric Conversions WorksheetMetric to Metric Conversions AnswersTemperature Conversions WorksheetTemperature Conversions AnswersTemperature Conversions Worksheet #2Temperature Conversions Answers #2Moles to Grams Conversions WorksheetMoles to Grams Conversions AnswersFormula or Molar Mass WorksheetFormula or Molar Mass Worksheet AnswersPracticing Balancing Chemical Equations- WorksheetBalancing Chemical Equations- AnswersPracticing Balancing Chemical Equations- Worksheet #2Balancing Chemical Equations- Answers #2Practicing Balancing Chemical Equations- Worksheet #3Balancing Chemical Equations- Answers #3Common Acid Names Formulas- WorksheetAcid Names and Formulas- AnswersPractice Calculations with Moles- WorksheetMole Calculations- AnswersPractice Mole Relations in Balanced Equations- WorksheetMole Relations in Balanced Equations- AnswersGas LawsGas Laws AnswersGas Laws Answers- Shown WorkLimiting Reagent- Worksheet Limiting Reagent- AnswersCalculating Molarity- WorksheetCalculating Molarity- AnswersAcid Base pH- WorksheetAcid Base pH- AnswersElectron Configurations- WorksheetElectron Configurations- AnswersBalancing Redox Reactions- WorksheetBalancing Redox Reactions- Answers
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